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Slow loading profile page [was: Re: Largest ElkArte boards?] Started by Acido · · Read 26822 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Largest ElkArte boards?

Re: Slow loading profile page [was: Re: Largest ElkArte boards?]

Reply #15

Exactly, changing the join type should make no difference but, like I said, I'm grasping at straws to try to figure out why that query was taking so long. I think it is outside of the query but if it's working, I'm not going to try to fix "working." ;)

Re: Slow loading profile page [was: Re: Largest ElkArte boards?]

Reply #16

Quote from: Acido – But I guess as Joshua suggested could be some table locks, still strange that it stopped doing it suddenly, will monitor the situation if it changes again.
Did you change the JOINs back?

Also, I hope the {query_see_boards} is still in place, otherwise messages from hidden boards may leak. ;)
Well, it's a test forum so it should not be public, but better mention the potential issue. :P

Is the table innodb or myisam? I think the default in Elk is myisam, but I'm not sure.
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Re: Slow loading profile page [was: Re: Largest ElkArte boards?]

Reply #17

Hmm... since it's a test forum, is anyone else using it? If not, it's probably not locking issues. Either way, make every table InnoDB and upgrade MySQL/MariaDB to the newest version. InnoDB has been showing benchmarks recently that shows it to be faster in every aspect.

Re: Slow loading profile page [was: Re: Largest ElkArte boards?]

Reply #18

Default ElkArte 1.0.6 installation so MyISAM.

I did change the JOIN's back and still works as in didn't change anything as expected. and yeah it's a development environment, only myself and 1 other person using it while i create our new page using it.

I'll consider changing the tables to InnoDB, maybe something you should do on the default install?


Re: Slow loading profile page [was: Re: Largest ElkArte boards?]

Reply #19

Do it on the default may be tricky depending on the host (I know some hosts that don't allow innodb, yeah, I know crappy hosts, but still used because rather cheap and somehow reliable).

Though, as far as I know, the engine is an optional parameter, so the install (actually the entire mysql-db class) may very well just omit it. O:-)
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