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Merging 2 ElkArte 1.1.5 into 1 forum Started by · · Read 3266 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Merging 2 ElkArte 1.1.5 into 1 forum

Hello All.

After doing some searching, I have not found this use case here (most information was about openimporter and migrating from other forum systems)

Would someone please point me in the correct direction (posts, method, whatever) to go about this.

The boards and users are different between the 2 forums, I just want to move 1 entire forum to the other (or merge the 2 into a new one, whichever is more straight forward)

Please let me know if there are any questions or comments about what I am trying to accomplish

Thanks in advance.
Last Edit: October 01, 2018, 10:48:56 am by

Re: Merging 2 ElkArte 1.1.5 into 1 forum

Reply #1

The issue you will have is with conflicting user id’s and post / thread id’s.

I would work out the upper limit or these from one forum and then change all the others on the other one to start from there. Then merge the two together.

I don’t think anyone has done it before but you’d need a script or sql to do it.

Re: Merging 2 ElkArte 1.1.5 into 1 forum

Reply #2

Quote from: tino – The issue you will have is with conflicting user id’s and post / thread id’s.

I would work out the upper limit or these from one forum and then change all the others on the other one to start from there. Then merge the two together.

I don’t think anyone has done it before but you’d need a script or sql to do it.

Thank you for the reply Tino. Yes i will have to look into which fields must be changed. I assume there are some types of relations that must stay in tact. I am not sure what is involved yet. Hopefully others can chime in with some advice.
