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Pre-release announcement - 1.1.1 Started by emanuele · · Read 9931 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Pre-release announcement - 1.1.1

Hi all,

we are aware of a security issue in ElkArte 1.10 and development versions that may affect non properly configured servers.
We have the fix ready and we are completing the testing of the patch.
As far as we know the issues are not public.

The release of the fixed version (1.1.1) is planned for Friday (probably in the evening/night CEST time).
The release will include several other fixes and little improvements discovered early after the release of 1.1.0 that were delayed to allow to prepare the and test the fix of this problem.
ElkArte 1.0.x is not affected and will not receive any update this time.

As usual, that's all for now, keep ready for the release! :)
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