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Updated the site with some more stuff Started by emanuele · · Read 30826 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Updated the site with some more stuff

Reply #45

IE... No, sorry, can't try another browser. It's the office computer, no chance to change it's software.  :(

Re: Updated the site with some more stuff

Reply #46

Yes I'm the guilty party for this experiment.  Its a new font stack to try and work with several issues we had with the previous one, notably issues with apple, mobile and *nix systems.  Here is what the stack looks like now
Code: [Select]
-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Roboto", "Oxygen", "Ubuntu", "Cantarell", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif;
Prior to this update it was
Code: [Select]
"Segoe UI", "Helvetica Neue", "Liberation Sans", "Nimbus Sans L", "Trebuchet MS", Arial, sans-serif;
The new stack starts with calling OSx system’s UI font with -apple-system & BlinkMacSystemFont.  This will pull in San Francisco, Neue Helvetica and Lucida Grande depending on the iOS version.  Previously we were only calling for Helvetica Neue which is 2 or 3 ios versions old AFAIK.

Up next it calls Windows (Segoe UI) which is what Windows uses for 7+, and for you it looks like it did not find that font so ran to the fallback of Arial or a default sans-serif.  That said your screen does look like Times New Roman which I thought is a serif font so not be called at all.  Maybe your browser settings force that on you as the default if it can't find one of the others (in this case Segoe UI).

Then it calls Android (Roboto) which is a better mobile font then we were using

Then we try and take care of *nix by calling for KDE (Oxygen), Ubuntu, Gnome (Cantarell) fonts.  These replaced the antiquated "Liberation Sans" and "Nimbus Sans L".  *nix is really difficult to target the right fonts for, lots of variation in what each disto uses. I'm not sure if we should leave one of the old ones as a fallback in that stack, maybe Liberation which is only 9 years old vs Nimbus which Liberation replaced.

Then old Android fonts (Droid Sans) to avoid an Arial fallback if we can

Then OSx systems with pre apple-system support (Helvetica Neue) just as it was

and finally old fallback fonts (Arial, sans-serif) Arial should be everywhere, and if not it says pick the default sans-serif font.

So the one missing is "Trebuchet MS", which I thought was really only needed for IE8 / XP support.  I'll add that one back for this site and lets see if that fixes what you are seeing (but its a shame that you don't see Segoe UI as you should.

Re: Updated the site with some more stuff

Reply #47

I see Segoe UI on my other boards with this same browser/OS, so the font itself must be there. It is only not loaded here at the moment.

Re: Updated the site with some more stuff

Reply #48

I fired up an old Vista/ie9 virtual box that I have, and I may have an explanation.

ie9 seems to crap its pants on -apple-system, at which point it considers the entire font line invalid and falls back to what you have set as the default web font under your browser options.   So if you have chosen Times New Roman on your wayback machine, then thats what you see, at least with ie9.

Moving Segoe UI up front seems to fix that and I don't think it will change the apple stack (unless of course the apple box has that installed).  I'll try that here as well in just a bit.

Quote from: Jorin – I see Segoe UI on my other boards with this same browser/OS, so the font itself must be there. It is only not loaded here at the moment.
But those are 1.0 not 1.1 correct?


Re: Updated the site with some more stuff

Reply #49

Right, those boards are using 1.0.

Fonts here are okay now.  :)

Re: Updated the site with some more stuff

Reply #50

Cool ..  thanks for reporting the issue.  For the fix I moved the font stack to look like
Code: [Select]
"Segoe UI", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Roboto", "Oxygen", "Ubuntu", "Cantarell", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica Neue", "Trebuchet MS", Arial, sans-serif;
which seemed to fix things on ie9.  Appears some versions of ie don't like to see that system call ( -apple-system) as the first item in the stack, good to know.

Re: Updated the site with some more stuff

Reply #51

Thanks too!  :)

Re: Updated the site with some more stuff

Reply #52

Quote from: ahrasis – I can see it in the footer now. Menu buttons seem better except for new and updated post buttons which are still gloomy.
Is that beSocial or Default? 

Re: Updated the site with some more stuff

Reply #53


Re: Updated the site with some more stuff

Reply #54

Is it just me or did all the icons on this site become bigger? :O

Facta, non verba.

Re: Updated the site with some more stuff

Reply #55

LiveGallery - Simple gallery addon for ElkArte

Re: Updated the site with some more stuff

Reply #56

Here you go, the original and enlarged icons!

Look at the icons in Community, Messages, etc.

Re: Updated the site with some more stuff

Reply #57

Is that a user setting or custom item?  I did not think we displayed the menu icon with text.

Re: Updated the site with some more stuff

Reply #58

At some point, the icons were introduced alongside the text (I didn't realize immediately) for resolutions higher than... 1280? Or something like that.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Updated the site with some more stuff

Reply #59

Ah ... I see.  I need the ElkArte Management to buy me a new laptop :P