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Reporting/Flagging Started by Joshua Dickerson · · Read 2137 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic


The current system to report a post is severely lacking. Why not have something simple where a user can flag a post? Possible flags can include: derogatory, SPAM, hateful, porn, scam, off-topic. That's just a short list. I wouldn't make it more than 10 but I would make it inclusive enough to cover most things. Then the comments could just be extra.

Then, it makes it easier to do some machine learning or just automatically unapprove a post when it reaches a threshold. You can show the number of reports on a post for moderators and then have that link to the moderation topic. The post can also show a threshold and if it's passed that. There's a ton of things you can do if the report had a little bit more data to it.

Re: Reporting/Flagging

Reply #1

This is what FB uses for its fields:
This account might be compromised or hacked
Hate speech
Spam or scam
Violence or harmful behavior
* Sexually explicit content

Re: Reporting/Flagging

Reply #2

Some forums might want to disable those. For instance, if you have a forum about porn, you don't care if people are posting sexually explicit content and don't want to get reports about it. Though, I would hard code an ID in there for those because it would make it easier for mods to work with them that way. Every custom one can start at 10 or 100 or so.

Re: Reporting/Flagging

Reply #3

Interesting idea!

I usually tend to prefer "identifiers" (e.g. short "unique" strings), that allows for more flexibility, addons could interact with even new types without having to rely on the id or strange tricks, etc.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Reporting/Flagging

Reply #4

In addition, a user should be able to be reported. For one, you should be able to report them for possibly being "hacked."

Here's how it works with Facebook and I really like it:
QuoteIs this comment about you or a friend?
Yes, this is about me or a friend
* No, this is about someone else

QuoteWhy don't you want to see this comment?
1 This account might be compromised or hacked
2 Hate speech
3 Spam or scam
4 Violence or harmful behavior
5 Sexually explicit content

1 "We're glad you told us"
QuoteThis is hateful towards
A race or ethnicity
A religious group
A gender or orientation
People with a disability or disease

Then it gives you these options:
QuoteWe're sorry that you've had this experience. Here are some things you can try to resolve this.
Message Abstract Tattoos to resolve this
Let Abstract Tattoos know that you found this comment objectionable.
Submit to Facebook for Review
Report this post if it goes against our Community Standards.

Pretty much all of them are either "thanks" or "here's some stuff you can do to resolve this."


Re: Reporting/Flagging

Reply #5

I wouldn't want to go full Facebook.

I do like the idea of several pre-determined report messages, but I would suggest letting those be adjustable in the admin settings. Let admins turn off the defaults and add new ones that come up often on their particular boards.