Re: Text view
Reply #1 –
This sounds like a configuration issue with your server... pretty sure Elkarte serves up generic HTML via PHP, to your host's web-server (Apache, Centora, Vesta, whatever.. etc.), to serve to the internet.
First, check with your hosting service and see what they think. Also gather server configuration info (web software,, database, php versions, yadda yadda) in case we need to look at EA configuration with your platform.
Meanwhile, can you post a screenshot of "text view" (preferably from your desktop, not smartphone) - I think I know what you are seeing, but before I delve further, I'd like to be sure so I don't send you down a rabbit hole..
Edit: Oh, and what version of EA are you running?
Re: Text view
Reply #5 –
Thanks Steeley. I have passed on the link to this thread to our host who set up our forum as a big favour when I was locked out of our old one & unable to contact them to get back in (even though I was a mod).
I'm not on a Mac btw.
Re: Text view
Reply #6 –
try a CTRL+F5, seems to work fine now
Re: Text view
Reply #9 –
Thanks, Steeley. I'll pass this conversation on.