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Site Update 1/5/14 Started by Spuds · · Read 16420 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Site Update 1/5/14

Reply #15

The 9 hours is odd... I'm off too, but I'm not exactly sure why, since it should be using the time from the server for the comparison... it seems I have to do some more tests. :-\
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Re: Site Update 1/5/14

Reply #16


Got it: the hours is just a cache issue with the cached js files that are still old "somewhere". (We (<= to be read as Spuds :P j/l) should do something about that :P)
Bugs creator.
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Re: Site Update 1/5/14

Reply #17

Feedback on the theme: the expand doesn't really fit there (TBH it doesn't really fit into the code menu in any way apart from the logical reason it was put there), it looks like it's an expand for the profile menu when instead is doing something completely different.

Honestly...I'd be tempted to say let's remove it and keep a setting somewhere in the look&layout.
In the past there was a reason to have it handy (it was hiding some quite useful things like quick search and the unreads, but now it's hiding just the header of the forum and the news block.
Bugs creator.
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Re: Site Update 1/5/14

Reply #18

oh my, so many bugz  ;D We might need to call the pest controller  :P
I'll take a look.. that z-index bug is a funny one, didn't notice it before.
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Site Update 1/5/14

Reply #19

If it helps you feel better, on chrome mobile I tend to get z-index issues on items without it set (!), behind position fixed elements. And that's down to the fact that they're set to half opacity. No kidding. If I reset opacity, then they won't overlap.

Plus chrome used to give me a huge opacity animation bug when children items were using 3d transforms. So much fun. I think they fixed it a couple days ago.

Re: Site Update 1/5/14

Reply #20

Was thinking:
Code: [Select]
.linktree::after { 
box-shadow: -1px 0px 2px 0px #EEEEEE;
a tiny shadow to the back of the linktree arrow... dunno. O:-)
Bugs creator.
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Re: Site Update 1/5/14

Reply #21

Quote from: emanuele – I was going to report the z-index thingy but I've
I'd say that the text of the buttons is a bit smallish...

And (but that is an Elk bug) when there is a new reply the subject of the topic in the linktree is empty! (Darn how many times do we have to fix that one?!?! :o :P)
Another general remark: I'm tempted to say let's cut down "next page" and"previous page" to "next" and "previous". Maybe add a "first" and "latest"? (Or maybe not :P).
re Buttons:  all of them or just some?

re next page: what about simply using << and >> for that?
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Site Update 1/5/14

Reply #22

The "normal_buttons" and moderation buttons and alike.

Dunno about the << >>, mixed feeling, I like the text, but seems too verbose at the moment.

Also the highlight is a bit... extreme. :P
Bugs creator.
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Re: Site Update 1/5/14

Reply #23

Another small report: the icons in the title boards are a bit too tall (at least on linux, but I had problems with them being too short with the other variant, so... )
Bugs creator.
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Re: Site Update 1/5/14

Reply #24

I'm guessing that is one of the same issues I just reported with IE8, its a font issue.  The font stack we use may not be the best, or the fact that we drive some heights with em, or a combination of the two.

I'm almost thinking we should ditch the font stack for the nix stuff and use something like
Code: [Select]
@font-face {
  font-family: "Open Sans";
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 400;
  src: local('Open Sans'), local('OpenSans'), url( format('woff');
Then we update the body stuff as
Code: [Select]
body {
 margin: 0;
 padding: 0 0 0 0;
 font: 87.5%/150%  "Segoe UI", "Helvetica Neue",  "Open Sans",  "Liberation Sans", "Nimbus Sans L", "Trebuchet MS", Arial, sans-serif;
or do everyone and just leave an ie8 fallback
Code: [Select]
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0 0 0 0;
font: 87.5%/150% "Open Sans", "Trebuchet MS", Arial, sans-serif;

Have not played around with @ font-face much, so may need to add bold/italic in that as well.  Anyway point is at least we would know what we are dealing with.  One of the problems with nix is the fonts available on the different distros really vary, we could add in some other common nix ones as well, that may help.  Out of curiosity what font face is your browser using for this?
Last Edit: January 08, 2014, 12:50:50 pm by Spuds

Re: Site Update 1/5/14

Reply #25

I don't like how the menu is pushed all the way to the left and the profile pushed all the way to the right. I usually keep my browser full width lately, and that is a long ways away. lol Can we push the menu to be on the borders of the main body to see how that looks?

I think previous and next looks better too as ema pointed out.
Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion, you must set yourself on fire!

Re: Site Update 1/5/14

Reply #26

Quote from: IchBin – I don't like how the menu is pushed all the way to the left and the profile pushed all the way to the right. I usually keep my browser full width lately, and that is a long ways away. lol Can we push the menu to be on the borders of the main body to see how that looks?
yep, I've already fixed it on my local repo.. PR is in progress.
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Site Update 1/5/14

Reply #27

Thanks for removing the caching, TE. Hard refreshed anyway.

Everything looks much better. I like this new style.

Maybe the page numbers could use some white space between them so that when you hover over them they don't touch?

Re: Site Update 1/5/14

Reply #28

Quote from: groundup – Thanks for removing the caching, TE. Hard refreshed Maybe the page numbers could use some white space between them so that when you hover over them they don't touch?
yep, definitely. Thanks for the report. fixed my local repo.
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Site Update 1/5/14

Reply #29

Quote from: Nao – Plus chrome used to give me a huge opacity animation bug when children items were using 3d transforms. So much fun. I think they fixed it a couple days ago.
Nope, they didn't. Not fun...
If anyone has an idea on why this happens.
How to reproduce:;in=194;sort=0 (random image in my gallery.)
Make sure the '?' icon in the info bar is visible to you without scrolling down. (If it isn't, try to collapse the page header.)
Click it. Background issue shows up. Dismiss. Scroll now a few. Click it. Background issue fixed. Funny, eh..?

PS: on desktop, this new theme looks both a bit immature (like it's in need of weeks of work to be cleaner), and way better than the previous it's-so-easy-being-green theme. I'm very close to being jealous, but I'm not unhappy with my current work either, so... :P