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Seems like Paid Subscriptions are active and yet does not have a function? Started by JesusGod-Pope666.Info · · Read 8060 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Seems like Paid Subscriptions are active and yet does not have a function?

Awesome you can upload multiple pics in one go - anyway I was lokking in my Forum profile and tried to push the Paid Subscriptions and found it on my own test forum as a thing one can activate. Well as far as I can see this forum does not use it, so I guess it could be deactivated? I don't know, maybe I'm totally wrong :) Just wanted to make a notice if I'm right, if not - just forget about it.
No idea in having it activated if it is not used at all.


Re: Seems like Paid Subscriptions are active and yet does not have a function?

Reply #1

Well like the message says, you have to set it up once you turn it on - like tell it what PayPal account to direct payments to, or what subscription tiers there are...