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ElkArte is now available through Softaculous! Started by emanuele · · Read 15050 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: ElkArte is now available through Softaculous!

Reply #15

My reading comprehension must be slipping today...maybe most days. IDK.

I just made a review; darn shame it can only be 500 characters. Wonder if it will get approved or not; what with approval seeming to be the hold up. Apparently no one has been tasked to read the Elkarte reviews.

Regarding the Linux install; maybe someone here can verify the instructions work and then post them here for potential new users of Elkarte?


Re: ElkArte is now available through Softaculous!

Reply #16

That's why I suggested to have a word with Softaculous guys...
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: ElkArte is now available through Softaculous!

Reply #17

This might just be a cPanel issue. If you go to Softaculous you can pull up Elkarte and leave a review. What is interesting is that their interface sees the 16 star ratings. I left a review and after entering the magic letters and doing a submit I was presented with a a success banner. That is a banner you do not get when submitting via cPanel.

Softaculous - Elkarte

Of course, now I have to wait for review approval I suppose.

Re: ElkArte is now available through Softaculous!

Reply #18

Not sure how I can explain to you xD It's the APPROVAL being the problem (doesn't happen), all the rest is fine.
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: ElkArte is now available through Softaculous!

Reply #19

@Lou thanks for taking the time to submit a review ... Hoping it gets posted, could be cpanel vs website submittable, be interesting to see.

I'll take a look at the install instructions and see if I see anything .. I do use ubuntu but not Apache so can only cover so much.

Re: ElkArte is now available through Softaculous!

Reply #20

Oh .... I do understand that the issue is approval. However, what I showed there is a difference between the cPanel Softaculous process and the parent Softaculous process. Something is missing in cPanel.

Now, it may be a cPanel issue or it may be a Softaculous issue. No one knows. As no one indicated they had made a road trip to Softaculous to test on their site, I took the opportunity to do so. Now emanuele has a bit more information to go to Softaculous with.

Re: ElkArte is now available through Softaculous!

Reply #21

Quote from: Spuds – @Lou thanks for taking the time to submit a review ... Hoping it gets posted, could be cpanel vs website submittable, be interesting to see.

I'll take a look at the install instructions and see if I see anything .. I do use ubuntu but not Apache so can only cover so much.
You are welcome Spuds. Reviews are important and I too am puzzled why they are not making it into the mix. I would pursue this with Softaculous for you guys but that is far, far out of my authority range.  :)  I will be watching the Softaculous site to see if they publish the review.

Re: ElkArte is now available through Softaculous!

Reply #22

I will guess the pipe is broken, in my case, between cPanel and Sotfaculous site. I say that as the review I entered via cPanel, that review is still sitting in the review editor, title and all. The submit button really does not send the data anywhere so I will guess that cPanel/Soft holds onto the info at my server level as it does not know what to do with it.

No idea how this would behave on other hosts that use different tools.

Re: ElkArte is now available through Softaculous!

Reply #23

For some reason, I do not think Softaculous is doing the approving of the reviews.
That is separate from their rating system, in a sense.
Ratings do not need to be approved, but reviews do.

I'm not entirely certain on how they do it, or if whoever submitted ElkArte to them does it.

Re: ElkArte is now available through Softaculous!

Reply #24

It's surely not something that can be moderated by Elkarte devs, it would be stupid.
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: ElkArte is now available through Softaculous!

Reply #25

Quote from: Flavio93Zena (#OpIsis) – It's surely not something that can be moderated by ElkArte devs, it would be stupid.
Sometimes though, in some instances that is the case.  A 'star' rating is not personally directed at someone as much as it is a silent opinion.  A written review can be directed to someone personally or contain violent, false information. Often the written reviews, on some systems are parsed by software looking for key words that indicate a foul mouth, angry review. That is then passed on to a human moderator who then reads and deletes the review. Softaculous could even have the review come to Elkarte to approve or disapprove the review. Truthful, observational reviews are what is best for Elkarte. A review that is spewing vitriol should be deleted.

Re: ElkArte is now available through Softaculous!

Reply #26

Not talking about that, it would be stupid to have Elkarte devs moderating the reviews because of commercial reasons, of course... (aka, deleting negatives).
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: ElkArte is now available through Softaculous!

Reply #27

Quote from: Flavio93Zena (#OpIsis) – Not talking about that, it would be stupid to have ElkArte devs moderating the reviews because of commercial reasons, of course... (aka, deleting negatives).

Actually, it would make more sense, for the devs of each program to moderate their own reviews.
Why should Softaculous deal with moderation on all programs?
Look at Google Play, and other app places, the devs are the ones to moderate the reviews, so why not Softaculous?

Also, IMHO, the devs of each script should be the ONLY people to be able to submit the scripts, in the first place.

Re: ElkArte is now available through Softaculous!

Reply #28

Which is why Google Play is complete and utter bs. I found myself politely but negatively rating a few applications, and my reviews got deleted, SEVERAL TIMES. I even contacted google about it, and the operator just told me to contact the guys who own the application, as the page is theirs, what a ****ing trolly and fake system.

Yes, you got a nerve there, one of the many many things that don't work at all on the net, but also one that got me quite angry, too.
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: ElkArte is now available through Softaculous!

Reply #29

Actually, I do not see a DELETE on app reviews, so you are quite mistaken in that they got deleted by the app developer.

It's up to the app developer only, to reply, it seems.