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An addon like "Look But Not Read" would be great! Started by Mrs. Chaos · · Read 22769 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

An addon like "Look But Not Read" would be great!


I would like to hide the content of some topics from guests and registered members, who haven't written a single post.
They should be able to see the titles of the boards and topics, but shall not be able to open the topics and read the contents. In my SMF forum I use the modification "Look But Not Read" for it.
Is there already something similar for ElkArte or is an addon like "Look But Not Read" planned?

In my ElkArte test forum I've tried it with special member groups ("Post count based groups" and "Regular groups"). One group is for members who have written more than 10 posts and one is for members with more than 30 posts. And for two boards I haven't allowed guests the access.
This all works, but in these ways the boards and topic titles are not displayed. They are invisible. But I want that the locked out users can see and read the titles, so that they can realise that these are existing and that they can imagine a bit, what contents they can't read, because they are not members or haven't written enough posts yet.

So, can something like this be created for ElkArte, please? :)
ElkArte version: 1.1.8 / Theme: BeSocial / PHP 8.1

Re: An addon like "Look But Not Read" would be great!

Reply #1

A quick search suggested that View Only Boards (link) might be better for hints on where to look, or in any case it's still available on the SMF mod site.

Re: An addon like "Look But Not Read" would be great!

Reply #2

I already have knowledge of this mod and I think it's also very good.
Now I want something like these both for ElkArte. If the 1.1 Finals is released, I would like to convert with my SMF forum to ElkArte and then it would be great, if there would be such an addon sometime.
Maybe there's someone here who can create something like that. 
ElkArte version: 1.1.8 / Theme: BeSocial / PHP 8.1

Re: An addon like "Look But Not Read" would be great!

Reply #3

I think I was involved with updating that mod during SMF transition to 2.0rc4 but the owner came back and had continued to update up to 2.0.1.

That said, ElkArte already has read only feature for board, which is the same, am I right?

Re: An addon like "Look But Not Read" would be great!

Reply #4

Oops I was wrong. My bad. The mod should list the board contents but you cannot read it until you register as members. It should be portable, I think.

Re: An addon like "Look But Not Read" would be great!

Reply #5

Will you port it? I am interested too.  O:-)

Re: An addon like "Look But Not Read" would be great!

Reply #6

It's a may be if I got the help from ElkArte developers as it seems to make many manual changes.

But first, I am gonna upgrade the Elkarte Forum app to include a pull to refresh feature. It is almost finished but not yet packaged since I am now using Android Studio and do not know how to package an app using it. Lol.

Re: An addon like "Look But Not Read" would be great!

Reply #8

Probably not better but here is the one mentioned in the OP. ;)

Re: An addon like "Look But Not Read" would be great!

Reply #9

After some testing on converting the mod to ElkArte, though it's done by @Arantor, I don't really think so. Seeing what it modifies is making me scared in using it.

I uploaded my attempt on github so those with better knowledge may see, modify, fix or improve it.

I may attempt port the View Only Boards mod as it seems safer to me (but may not too as it seems to be more difficult).
Last Edit: August 30, 2017, 01:21:05 am by ahrasis

Re: An addon like "Look But Not Read" would be great!

Reply #10

Hello, it's been a while now.
Is there anyone working on such an addon for ElkArte?
ElkArte version: 1.1.8 / Theme: BeSocial / PHP 8.1

Re: An addon like "Look But Not Read" would be great!

Reply #11

Basically "Look But Not Read mod" is no longer available (removed) in SMF mod page. So unless, you have a copy of it that have a public license, I don't think I can make one.

The one I attempted and never finished (doesn't work at all) is here:

Re: An addon like "Look But Not Read" would be great!

Reply #12

I do have the old ZIP-file here, but in the info.xml is that to read:
"Copyright by the developer. All rights reserved. Redistribution prohibited except at"  :'(
ElkArte version: 1.1.8 / Theme: BeSocial / PHP 8.1

Re: An addon like "Look But Not Read" would be great!

Reply #13

You may have to contact the author personally if you wish for it to be ported here. Other than that View Only Boards and View/Enter Board Permission can be a good candidate but both are also without proper license.

Re: An addon like "Look But Not Read" would be great!

Reply #14

I don't think I can achieve anything, but I will try to contact them.

As I've seen, all three SMF modifications are very outdated (2008, 2011, 2014) and have not even been updated for the latest SMF forum versions. That's why I don't think that one of the developers will create a new addon for ElkArte.
For this reason I will not try to contact them...

Last Edit: April 26, 2018, 01:54:05 pm by Mrs. Chaos
ElkArte version: 1.1.8 / Theme: BeSocial / PHP 8.1