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Package manager: add/remove-action Started by Joshua Dickerson · · Read 1481 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Package manager: add/remove-action


Add a new operation for the package manager: <add-action action="related" file="Subs-Related.php" controller="Related" method="action_related" />.

Then we can just move all of the actions to a new file which would be a simple array. The package manager would add/remove elements in the array and just write the new array to the file or to $modSettings (which would probably be better). I would keep a file called DefaultActionArray.php somewhere and check if empty($modSettings['action_array']) and if so, load that file just so people don't completely screw their boards and to make it less work for upgrading.

Re: Package manager: add/remove-action

Reply #1

Action are already automagically found following the naming convention[1], I would dare to say that one day $actionArray and the related hook should disappear completely.
So, I'm not sure yet another way to add actions is really that needed.

Or did I miss anything?
A class Something_Controller extends Action_Controller, in a file Something.controller.php placed in the CONTROLLERDIR (or ADMINDIR) directory would be automatically recognized when accessing ?action=something.
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