Re: German language files (informal) for 1.1.9
Reply #77 – April 06, 2023, 06:07:07 pm
My last post in this thread will be a question: Given "Allow, "ignore", and "deny" as choices, what does "unless otherwise granted" mean in " Ignore, on the other hand, denies unless otherwise granted"?
Re: German language files (informal) for 1.1.9
Reply #78 – April 06, 2023, 06:27:54 pm
You ask me, Steeley? It means nothing. It is simply nonsense. The words "permission" and "ignore" in this language string on line 90 for manage boards are mistakes. Someone did not pay attention there....maybe 15 years ago....or longer. And maybe noone realized it, because this feature was hardly ever used.
Re: German language files (informal) for 1.1.9
Reply #79 – April 06, 2023, 09:02:34 pm
I haven't explored the nuances of allowing member groups (or certain members of a group) the option of setting their own permissions for board access (this is a member group permission option), but if it means what I think it does, then the forum admin selecting X in a board access permission for that group would allow that member group to allow (or deny) access to a particular board themselves (their own separate way??), and the Admin selecting "X" defers the decision to access that board (or not.) to such a group that is allowed to make it's own decisions. I believe this could be used to literally set up a "forum structure" within a forum (call it a sub forum), allowing the moderator(?) (subforum "admin") of that "subforum" to decide whether to allow or deny access to certain boards (the forum admin creates) for the member group. I can think of a couple of other possibilities as well (especially if you are adept at php, which I am not). But, unless that code (or hooks) have been removed, then no, it is not "nonsense" - It means exactly what the description says, and the best "English" word for that I can think of for that description of [X] is "defer". But, let's climb out of this rabbit hole and get back to original intent.. I'm not really trying to argue what the permissions do (I'm probably the last person to ask if you want to know the exact permission flow chart as it exists in the code), I'm only addressing your issue with the word "ignore" as it pertains to how "X" is defined , and I agree with you that "ignore" is not the best choice, as the description fits the English word "defer" much better. If that permission option is not functional or meaningful as it is described (legacy SMS??), then it seems to me that X and Deny are exactly the same, the description text describing the meaning of "Ignore" should be deleted and X as an option can probably just be removed, not just "ignore" one or the other (Oh my!!) That's a whole different kettle of fish...and yes, it should really not be explored in a language translation topic, but a different board. I was just trying to help with definition and translation of the existing English words themselves. Now I'm done... carry on!