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Thinking aloud: what now? Started by live627 · · Read 3757 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Thinking aloud: what now?

So I'm in a bit of a pickle right now... my hosting bill is due in a month and I'm a few dollars short. I hooped someone would've bought a copy of my gallery by now or donated for using one of my addons.

Is there another idea that I can pursue to make a little bit of money? Another addon?  Themes?  Custom services to help people with their sites?
LiveGallery - Simple gallery addon for ElkArte

Re: Thinking aloud: what now?

Reply #1

I am surely interested in a gallery addon, and I don't mind paying for an addon if fit my needs.
I didn't have much time in the last weeks, but I was going to write you a PM about the gallery and your website. I would like to test it but there were some problems on your demo website.

Quote from: live627 – Is there another idea that I can pursue to make a little bit of money? Another addon?  Themes?  Custom services to help people with their sites?
I'd say custom services
sorry for my bad english


Re: Thinking aloud: what now?

Reply #2

maybe create a theme for elkarte and sold it via themeforest.

i just launched a new forum using phpbb 3.2 just because stumbling the themes in themeforest: specificly flatboots and milk. i hope someone here can create comparable theme for elkarte. :) i don't mind paying to support the developer.

@live627 can you make it easier to buy your addon? maybe just a simple page/launch page with buy button. using wordpress+easy digital download. and how much is the price?


oh $30:
Last Edit: May 12, 2017, 10:45:15 am by kucing
192.MY.ID: Forum ISP Indonesia.

Re: Thinking aloud: what now?

Reply #3

I can suggest you:
  • add user permission to upload albums and photos to your website, in this way we can test see the gallery in action
  • add a detailed description to your gallery addon with all the supported features
  • create a topic here with all the services you can provide, not everyone knows you are availble for custom work
  • link your website in your profile, it is much easier to find your addons and your services (I hope it's not against the rules here to publish paid services)

sorry for my bad english

Re: Thinking aloud: what now?

Reply #4

Quotecreate a topic here with all the services you can provide, not everyone knows you are availble for custom work

at least write it in signature will be great to his discoveribility.

Quotelink your website in your profile, it is much easier to find your addons and your services (I hope it's not against the rules here to publish paid services)

true, i spent 5 minutes to find where he offers his services. google doesn't help so i checked his posts.
192.MY.ID: Forum ISP Indonesia.

Re: Thinking aloud: what now?

Reply #5

Thanks for the suggestions, everyone.

EDIT: SimplePortal to the rescue! I added a front page block explaining what's up. Anything needing changed?
Last Edit: May 13, 2017, 04:26:07 am by live627
LiveGallery - Simple gallery addon for ElkArte

Re: Thinking aloud: what now?

Reply #6

@radu81 I sent you a PM on livemods asking for your opinion on LiveGallery
LiveGallery - Simple gallery addon for ElkArte

Re: Thinking aloud: what now?

Reply #7

I'll take a look tonight, thanks
sorry for my bad english

Re: Thinking aloud: what now?

Reply #8

I really appreciate your work, but 30$ and only 1 year free updates (what then? Pay for every following update even if it's an important security fix?) is way to expensive IMO. I think most people using a free web forum are not willing to pay so much for just a "simple" photo gallery. We are few using ElkArte, how many of us are willing to pay this? Maybe it's better to cut the prize, offer free lifetime updates? Try to catch a user base at first, then think about making money.  ;)

If you not want this thoughts to be public, please send me a message and I will delete it.

Re: Thinking aloud: what now?

Reply #9

i think it's more about how many admins that used elkarte. if it got popular then the market will be bigger too, someone may bought the license.

if it yearly license to update with small pool users of elkarte i think it better to lower the price a bit. developer gotta eat too, and lifetime updates (not usage) is detrimental to the product longetivity. except we talked about mobile app or wordpress, the scale is very different,
192.MY.ID: Forum ISP Indonesia.

Re: Thinking aloud: what now?

Reply #10

I think I get your questions
  • time: one year of updates; you use it as long as you'd like
  • Single use per site: no, the license is tied to the individual, use it on as many sites as you own
  • Private modifications: allowed (are restrictions on that really enforceable?)
  • Copyright: No footer links added
Did I read you right?  Because your post seems a tad vague...
LiveGallery - Simple gallery addon for ElkArte