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Some errors with PHP 7.2 and Elkarte 1.1.3 Started by radu81 · · Read 15890 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Some errors with PHP 7.2 and Elkarte 1.1.3

Reply #15

Another list of errors using Elkarte 1.1.5 and PHP 7.2.8

I don't have a privacy policy yet, and I did not asked members to accept the policy. The GDPR part is still "inactive" on my forum
Code: [Select]
    Type of error: Critical
    Wrong value type sent to the database. Integer expected. (id_member)
    Function: accept
    File: sources/subs/Agreement.class.php
    Line: 217

Code: [Select]
    Type of error: Undefined
    Notice: Undefined index: total_time_logged_in
    File: /public/themes/default/Theme.php
    Line: 665

Code: [Select]
    Type of error: Undefined
    Notice: Undefined index: time_format
    File: /sources/Subs.php
    Line: 478

Code: [Select]
    Type of error: Undefined
    Notice: Undefined index: language
    File: sources/subs/Exception/ElkException.class.php
    Line: 168

Code: [Select]
    Type of error: Undefined
    Notice: Undefined index: mentions
    File: /sources/subs/UserNotification.class.php
    Line: 58
sorry for my bad english

Re: Some errors with PHP 7.2 and Elkarte 1.1.3

Reply #16

What type of registration do you have?
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Some errors with PHP 7.2 and Elkarte 1.1.3

Reply #17

Activation by email

*** edit ***
I see different undefined index errors, I am wondering if it's the best way to paste them here or should I open an issue for every  undefined index error on github?
Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 06:30:21 pm by radu81
sorry for my bad english

Re: Some errors with PHP 7.2 and Elkarte 1.1.3

Reply #18

Those reported here are of 2 types:
1) something at registration due to accept the agreement,
2) something in view attachments by guests
In terms of errors repprted is okay, now it's just to understand the conditions to trigger them.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Some errors with PHP 7.2 and Elkarte 1.1.3

Reply #19

In my forum guests can see the attachments, the only strange case is that I have some attachments that are reposted in other topics using the attach code. I will check if those errors are related to those attachments. 
sorry for my bad english

Re: Some errors with PHP 7.2 and Elkarte 1.1.3

Reply #20

hmm... could be an attachment from a private board posted in a public one?
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Some errors with PHP 7.2 and Elkarte 1.1.3

Reply #21

I don't think this one is tracked yet for 1.1.6.

Re: Some errors with PHP 7.2 and Elkarte 1.1.3

Reply #22

The agreement part was fixed.
The attachments one... I still don't know what the problem could be.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Some errors with PHP 7.2 and Elkarte 1.1.3

Reply #23

I'm not sure how do describe the error, could you log your understanding of the problem on github  O:-)