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repair_settings.php no longer works? Started by fremzy · · Read 1819 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

repair_settings.php no longer works?


I've been trying to fix my forum using this tool, but for some reason, it's not loading. I navigate to the URL and nothing happens - blank page. Am I doing something wrong?

Re: repair_settings.php no longer works?

Reply #1

Dumb question: are the file permissions set correctly on repair_settings.php?

Re: repair_settings.php no longer works?

Reply #2

Quote from: badmonkey – Dumb question: are the file permissions set correctly on repair_settings.php? I didn't specifically set the permissions, but what I see here is 0644. Should it be something else?

Re: repair_settings.php no longer works?

Reply #3

Quote from: fremzy –
Quote from: badmonkey – Dumb question: are the file permissions set correctly on repair_settings.php? I didn't specifically set the permissions, but what I see here is 0644. Should it be something else?

It depends on the particular OS setup. Try 755, or even 777. If that doesn't work try increasing php.ini memory_limit setting. Go for 30M, maybe higher temporarily. Don't forget to restart php. 


Re: repair_settings.php no longer works?

Reply #4

Thanks so much. I just took the plunge and wiped out completely, then started all over. Not sure why repair wasn't showing up for me - perhaps one of your suggestions might have helped. But I'd gone ahead and pulled the nuclear trigger before seeing your last response.

Thanks again for your help. :pray: