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[MyBB 1.8] Importer Started by TE · · Read 56400 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Converting MyBB to Elk

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #15

Importing Members... ✔
Importing Categories... ✔
Importing Boards... ✔
Importing Topics... ✔
Importing Messages... ✔
Importing polls... ✔
Importing poll choices... ✔
Importing poll votes... ✔
Importing personal messages... ✔
Importing pm recipients... ✔
Importing topic notifications... ✔
Importing board notifications... ✔
Importing attachments... ✔
Importing avatars...
Message: filesize(): stat failed for G:\wamp\www/attachments/4_62aaa0203663926989f7f80c814991ce41338153.elk
Trace: filesize(): stat failed for G:\wamp\www/attachments/4_62aaa0203663926989f7f80c814991ce41338153.elk
Line: 15
File: G:\wamp\www\import\import.php(846) : eval()'d code

May be my backup is not right? I tried backup from phpMyAdmin and MyBB admin panel database backup option.

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #16

If you want to share screen using Skype or Team Viewer do let me know.

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #17

ok, found some more bugs.. try the attached version..

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #18

Hmm still it shoots an error

QuoteMessage: filesize(): stat failed for G:\wamp\www\attachments/4_824b4187b609de7aa2f94f34cf66bc9122f68cf2.elk
Trace: filesize(): stat failed for G:\wamp\www\attachments/4_824b4187b609de7aa2f94f34cf66bc9122f68cf2.elk
Line: 17
File: G:\wamp\www\import\import.php(846) : eval()'d code

But when i untick "Import Avatar" it successfully imported everything without any problem (before using the latest importer.xml file)

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #20

was it a MyBB 1.8.x from the beginning or previously an older version / other forum software?
Added an extended check for the avatar error and hopefully fixed the categories / boards order chaos..
Try the attached version  :)

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #21

It is 1.8.6 from the beginning :D and i will check the importer and update here.

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #22

OMG almost there and this error came,

Importing attachments... ✔
Importing avatars... Unsuccessful!
This query:

    INSERT IGNORE INTO elks.elkarte_attachments
    (id_attach, size, filename, file_hash, id_member)
    VALUES (1, 3964, '/avatar_1.png', '88f8ceafecbff2c8d30357c10ba6ca7549dccec6', 1),
    (2, 16604, '/avatar_2.png', 'dd3123d963bcd9c15e988d42921821a06b32314a', 2),
    (3, 3663, '/avatar_7.jpg', '442ddf6a6d2411f2923c0aada0683da5318a76db', 7),
    (4, , '/default_avatar.jpg', 'c300dd97ab94448fd7065e79129e79db540b1242', 12),
    (5, , '/default_avatar.jpg', '4966a69e21934491fd48e017c4e043353212d2b5', 13),
    (6, 22646, '/avatar_26.png', '6ce88240751269ff32ae093d9d38aacfb12b276d', 26),
    (7, , '/avatar_29.jpg', 'f1ebcd682fa6fe783f032cfc7727d673d2dc512d', 29),
    (8, , '/avatar_72.gif', '8bef656edba72c85469fd903d75d2d96e4459ba3', 72),
    (9, 2128, '/avatar_76.jpg', '58714cf4e7313a8c1d7371f41830e8f93b3dda3d', 76),
    (10, , '/avatar_83.jpg', '7d4c0ed44054fa1b3f6be4a562b62ddde845159c', 83),
    (11, 20008, '/avatar_107.png', '86f56187bb00a8f57d60547fb65c5dac12372428', 107),
    (12, 3289, '/avatar_110.jpg', '5acca533844f17c8a221e71c44e1e42d3c24bfde', 110),
    (13, 2692, '/avatar_117.jpg', '91a1a0f337887e2d4dace074f58bff6add2db0b7', 117),
    (14, 2365, '/avatar_120.jpg', 'b7fe78aa093dc70bfddcc342a99581fe2f43c46e', 120),
    (15, 2861, '/avatar_123.jpg', '5e2a3b2e2d9b9c59a6ba0ea9d55935446fee720d', 123),
    (16, 2380, '/avatar_125.jpg', 'f09e4e8d3638d05767f2948b49fd952bf95b5fa8', 125),
    (17, 12962, '/avatar_126.png', 'cc53b937f170108708e180949d64e77225103ed8', 126),
    (18, 3884, '/avatar_136.jpg', 'f3aa51c4a247948dcc1d026d588c94a04de14b38', 136),
    (19, 3534, '/avatar_137.jpg', '72beeac5cd04e984939044616c75d41e2c463ce0', 137),
    (20, 4133, '/avatar_140.png', 'bed7252c94a508605e9ef77673bad8287d890fe8', 140),
    (21, 16853, '/avatar_142.jpg', 'f06cd6f379e424b84d22ba4f5b6d31e0bbc5879e', 142),
    (22, 1346, '/avatar_144.png', 'ac563aaf3603370bfb5f90c76a6214895509e0b0', 144),
    (23, 3091, '/avatar_154.gif', 'f6426dba290e24ae420312a79c8a2a9d6b4f4c23', 154),
    (24, 4598, '/avatar_174.jpg', '905b1319f7b4f594ba018ecee139c9196e327964', 174),
    (25, 2681, '/avatar_176.jpg', 'd7bca1ad983c9717710c9eb07497ae4076dea5f6', 176),
    (26, 3069, '/avatar_177.jpg', '314676461a1d32de739e2ea8c383daf8822c8d13', 177);

Caused the error:

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' '/default_avatar.jpg', 'c300dd97ab94448fd7065e79129e79db540b1242', 12),
    ' at line 6

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #23

What a thrill! My poor heart!  :o  ;)

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #24

default_avatar.jpg -> looks like rows with this information are incomplete.. is it a standard feature of MyBB 1.8 or a modification? Can't find a related admin setting in MyBB..
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #25

I think my MyBB is little corrupted then, i upgraded 1.6 to 1.8 in amateur way that would have caused some issue in default_avatar.jpg

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #26

Is there a file named default_avatar.jpg in myBB under /uploads/avatars/ ? If not place a default avatar file with that name under  /uploads/avatars/  and try again.. maybe that fixes the issues..
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #27

Hmm i tried, it didn't work well :(

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #28

Thanks TE, you are awesome....Great job

Log: (TE fixed)

1) Attachment problem solved
2) Categories neatly synchronize
3) Everything is imported perfectly (me facing avatar issue due to corrupt DB)
4) Poll issue fixed

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #29

Screenshot of the imported forum :) (Localhost)