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[ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix Started by emanuele · · Read 182970 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic


Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #76

Another bug, duplicate prefixes, to reproduce it:
- choose a topic which already have a prefix
- in topc view, select the topic and choose Add prefix, then select a different prefix
- that topic will have now two prefixes into database
- if you try to edit the topic and choose a prefix you will get a database error:
Code: [Select]
Duplicate entry '1-14638' for key 'id_topic_prefix'
File: /public/sources/subs/TopicPrefixTcCRUD.class.php
Riga: 85

Nota: la versione del tuo database è 1.1.1.
Last Edit: January 31, 2021, 05:20:16 am by radu81
sorry for my bad english

Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #77

Quote from: radu81 –
this solves the error in elkarte log, but the prefix disappear if you try to edit the first post
yeah... it was not !empty, but just empty. facepalm

Quote from: radu81 – Another bug, duplicate prefixes, to reproduce it:
- choose a topic which already have a prefix
- in topc view, select the topic and choose Add prefix, then select a different prefix
I'm a bit lost in that step... where exactly?
Bugs creator.
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Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #78

my mistake, not in topic view, but in topic list

Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #79

Ooohh... that was something I didn't notice it was added and I did not merge into my branch.
I'm playing around with it a bit trying to figure out how to move that code out of MessageIndex.controller.php.
In the meantime, instead of the code:
Code: [Select]
						if (!empty($prefix))
$db = database();
'id_prefix' => 'int',
'id_topic' => 'int',
array('id_prefix', 'id_topic')

You should be able to use something like this:
Code: [Select]
$prefix = new TopicPrefix();
$prefix_id = (int) $_REQUEST['prefix'];
foreach ($_REQUEST['topics'] as $topic)
$prefix->updateTopicPrefix($topic, $prefix_id);

Not tested, so it may be broken... okay, let's face reality: knowing myself it is broken.
Bugs creator.
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Template killer.

Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #80

Quote from: emanuele – okay, let's face reality: knowing myself it is broken.
 you're wrong this time, :P  your code seems to work, I did the same procedure mentioned above, the prefix is changed without adding a duplicate into the database. I'll test it better in the next days, probably something else will pop out. :D
sorry for my bad english

Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #81

Heck, that's embarrassing...
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #82

Okay, updated the repo with some code that should allow to have the quick-moderation without requiring code edits.
IIRC it's enough to download and apply, but well, usual disclaimer applies. xD
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #83

@emanuele‍ the version from github is unusable, it has different bugs that Spuds already corrected, please see the latest version posted here

I just installed on a test forum the version from github (clean forum with 1.1.7 patch applied), here is what I found:

I have 1 board with 3 prefixes, just click on prefix, prefix2, prefix3 and got this error:
Too few arguments to function TopicPrefix_PxCRUD::count(), 1 passed in sources/subs/TopicPrefixPxCRUD.class.php on line 38 and exactly 2 expected

There is no quick way to add a prefix here:

If you click on a prefix that it is not applied to any topic, the prefix list does not have any css applied (in my case p3)
Screenshot_2021-02-08_12-41-39.png Screenshot_2021-02-08_12-42-22.png

Probably there are more bugs

yep, another one: if I try to edit a topic using the full editor and I set up a prefix, I get this error:
An Error Has Occurred
The database value you're trying to insert does not exist: new_prefix

    Type of error: Critical

    The database value you're trying to insert does not exist: new_prefix
    Function: runQuery
    Line: 185
Last Edit: February 08, 2021, 07:52:38 am by radu81
sorry for my bad english

Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #84

No guarantees but I think all the changes I made are here: I thought I pr'ed those back, but that was a year ago so who knows!

Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #85

Quote from: radu81 – @emanuele‍ the version from github is unusable, it has different bugs that Spuds already corrected, please see the latest version posted here
@radu81 the version on github includes anything that is in Spuds' repo (I ported it at the end of December).

Quote from: radu81 – I have 1 board with 3 prefixes, just click on prefix, prefix2, prefix3 and got this error:
Too few arguments to function TopicPrefix_PxCRUD::count(), 1 passed in sources/subs/TopicPrefixPxCRUD.class.php on line 38 and exactly 2 expected
there is no "count" at line 38 of the current version, I have the feeling you are using an older package for some reason.

Quote from: radu81 – If you click on a prefix that it is not applied to any topic, the prefix list does not have any css applied (in my case p3)
[attach type=thumb]6895[/attach] [attach type=thumb]6897[/attach]

Quote from: radu81 – Probably there are more bugs
Very well possible.

Quote from: radu81 – edit
yep, another one: if I try to edit a topic using the full editor and I set up a prefix, I get this error:
An Error Has Occurred
The database value you're trying to insert does not exist: new_prefix

    Type of error: Critical

    The database value you're trying to insert does not exist: new_prefix
    Function: runQuery
    Line: 185
And again, line 185 has not that code:

Guess this image may help:

Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #86

Sorry Ema, github is not for me, guess what version I downloaded? The one with a big red X :-X :-[

I just downloaded the correct version, seems to work, I will also install it on my live site. For now I only see an undefined error in elkarte log:
  • Type of error: Undefined
  • /index.php?action=admin;area=logs;sa=errorlog;desc;filter=message;value=Tm90aWNlOiBVbmRlZmluZWQgaW5kZXg6IGRlbnlcX2JvYXJkc1xfYWNjZXNz
  • Notice: Undefined index: deny_boards_access
  • File: /themes/default/TopicPrefix.template.php
  • Line: 80

sorry for my bad english

Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #87

Sorry if I insist on this, but is there a way to see the topic prefix on "New Posts" and "New Replies" lists?
sorry for my bad english

Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #88

I know that this add-on is in beta version and somehow abbandoned, and I'm probaly the only one to use it on Elkarte, but here is my problem using PHP 8.1:
When entering a board which does not have prefixes assigned I get this error "Undefined variable $quick_prefixes" and cannot enter the board.

In Elkarte log I got:
    Warning: Undefined variable $quick_prefixes
    File: /sources/TopicPrefix.integrate.php
    Line: 102

Code: [Select]
93: 	// _debug($available_prefixes);
94: if (count($available_prefixes) > 1)
95: {
96: $quick_prefixes = 'var quick_prefixes = [';
97: foreach ($available_prefixes as $id => $value)
98: {
99: $quick_prefixes .= '{"id": ' . $id . ', "text": ' . JavaScriptEscape($value['text']) . '},';
100: }
101: }
102: $quick_prefixes = substr($quick_prefixes, 0, -1) . ']';
103: addInlineJavascript($quick_prefixes);
104: }
sorry for my bad english

Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #89

Try the following:

In TopicPrefix.integrate.php find
Code: [Select]
		if (count($available_prefixes) > 1)
$quick_prefixes = 'var quick_prefixes = [';
foreach ($available_prefixes as $id => $value)
$quick_prefixes .= '{"id": ' . $id . ', "text": ' . JavaScriptEscape($value['text']) . '},';
$quick_prefixes = substr($quick_prefixes, 0, -1) . ']';
and replace it with
Code: [Select]
		if (count($available_prefixes) > 1)
$quick_prefixes = 'var quick_prefixes = [';
foreach ($available_prefixes as $id => $value)
$quick_prefixes .= '{"id": ' . $id . ', "text": ' . JavaScriptEscape($value['text']) . '},';

$quick_prefixes = substr($quick_prefixes, 0, -1) . ']';