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Silk - A smooth theme for ElkArte Started by Wizard · · Read 17490 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Silk - A smooth theme for ElkArte

Reply #15

Version 1.5

Release note :

Version 1.5 is a major version change for Silk theme. We have modified the menu, added Google fonts and a lot of front end as well as back end modifications. You are advised to use the latest version.

# Font Awesome
# Google Fonts
Last Edit: October 11, 2015, 09:35:00 pm by Wizard

Re: Silk - A smooth theme for ElkArte

Reply #16

Version 1.5.1

Release note

#Improved alert notification prompt

Re: Silk - A smooth theme for ElkArte

Reply #17

Version 1.5.3

Release note :

#Fixed " Send Message " button vanishing problem
#Changed " linklevel1" text-decoration to UPPERCASE

Main Menu and buttons now show upper case text for improved readability

Re: Silk - A smooth theme for ElkArte

Reply #18

Version 1.5.4

#Fixed thread listing colour for Sticky post

Re: Silk - A smooth theme for ElkArte

Reply #19

Version 1.5.5

Release note :

#Removed bottom padding of menu. Looks better this way.

Re: Silk - A smooth theme for ElkArte

Reply #20

Six version changes a day?  :o

Maybe you should try to get the theme in a stable, most final status before publishing it.

Re: Silk - A smooth theme for ElkArte

Reply #21

It is stable. I was simply modifying. This one is the most stable. I have done as much as I can. :)

PS : The updates are smooth. Simply install the new version as another theme

Re: Silk - A smooth theme for ElkArte

Reply #22

It's your thing and I appreciate your work. But I for myself will not install a theme which I have to update this often.  ;)

Re: Silk - A smooth theme for ElkArte

Reply #23

The theme is stable as of 1.0. You need not try new version if you do not wish to have new modification and is happy from what you have now. I would suggest 1.5.5 if you go for the theme ( only if ) now. I may add new features like colour picker which can give you multiple colour variants with a single theme. You can skip it and stay with the single colour mode if you do not wish to update. If you are updating, it is as simple as installing a new theme ( you can keep the old one intact ) and make use of new features.

Re: Silk - A smooth theme for ElkArte

Reply #24

You don't need a version change every 10 minutes. Nobody is using your theme and nobody is updating every 20 seconds. TBH, nobody really cares that you made changes. They will install a theme that looks good and works. If either one doesn't come to fruition when they install it, they'll uninstall it. End of story.

Re: Silk - A smooth theme for ElkArte

Reply #25

"IF you build it, they will come"

Users come after you build something awesome. Stop worrying about everyone else and start worrying about making something awesome.

Re: Silk - A smooth theme for ElkArte

Reply #26

Added demo at AF. URL in first post.

Re: Silk - A smooth theme for ElkArte

Reply #27
there is still some green colour there

The breadcrumbs are not so intuitive, with 1.0.5 release there were some impovements:
sorry for my bad english

Re: Silk - A smooth theme for ElkArte

Reply #28

Theme demo is for Silk. You are using the variant, I guess.