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How to Upgrade elkarte Started by heartgraphs · · Read 42805 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

How to Upgrade elkarte

Hi @TE , @emanuele

I can't see upgrade file in package, what is the procedure to upgrade to latest version.

Current version : 1.0 beta
Last Edit: March 28, 2014, 05:15:04 am by heartgraphs

Re: How to Upgrade elkarte

Reply #1

Going here:
at the bottom of the right column you see a download button:
download the package, extract it and upload:
all the php files in the "root" (e.g. index.php, email_imap_cron.php, emailpost.php, emailtopic.php, subscriptions.php)
the directories /sources/ and /themes/
That's all. ;)

This gives you the most recent version (not even beta 2, but more recent).
Instead, if you want to move just to beta 2 (but at that point, I'd discourage it) you can download the "install" pacakge and upload anything except the "install" files (i.e. any file whose name starts with "install")

ETA: if you don't mind I'll pin that topic so that others may benefit from it. ;D
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Re: How to Upgrade elkarte

Reply #2

Any updates? I thought I updated from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 with the package manager?

Re: How to Upgrade elkarte

Reply #3

Yep... @todo write some instructions.
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Re: How to Upgrade elkarte

Reply #4

May I add the things you said into the update and upgrade wiki, Emanuele? :P

Re: How to Upgrade elkarte

Reply #5

Of course!
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Re: How to Upgrade elkarte

Reply #6

How do I upgrade using the * provided for a release? I don't want to do a full reinstall, especially from Git master.

E: Aha, I see. You instruct the forum to download it as a package, then install it.

Re: How to Upgrade elkarte

Reply #7

Yep, I forgot to add it to the email announcement. :)
Of course re-install it would be a pain, the package manager is there to make things somehow easier. ;D
Be sure to read the updated post with the issues present in the patch itself before update.
Bugs creator.
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Re: How to Upgrade elkarte

Reply #8

Upgrade from 1.0 to 1.1b1 is still not working for me. I thought I mention it here to note.

Re: How to Upgrade elkarte

Reply #9

As usual, a topic in bug report is much better than a post in a more or less random topic. ;)

Sorry if I stress about bug reports, but we already have a couple of places where they happen, and keep track of them is already difficult. If we start letting ourself be disorganized and post reports all over the places, it's the fastest way to lose track of everything. ;D

Thank you for your patience and comprehension. ;)
Bugs creator.
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Re: How to Upgrade elkarte

Reply #10

Quote from: emanuele – Yep, I forgot to add it to the email announcement. :)
Of course re-install it would be a pain, the package manager is there to make things somehow easier. ;D
Be sure to read the updated post with the issues present in the patch itself before update.
Oi! Where the gently caress are we supposed to find the patches? :P

There's no direct link from Elk admin, like there used to be for SMF admin, so admins are flying blind here. You really should add something easier and more obvious.

ETA: I looked at the docs and there's nothing about patches there. The only thing under upgrades is effectively the same as the old SMF large upgrade. IOW, complete replacement of any and all forum files. Which is not an upgrade patch.

Do actual upgrade patches exist for Elk? Or is total file replacement the only option for minor version changes?
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: How to Upgrade elkarte

Reply #12

The patches are all on your favorite site: 

They are listed in the seldom looked at admin new block, I think the title of the latest news takes you to that release.

I just noticed that the link in more details (in the your version block) is a link to a blank page on the wiki, that pretty much sucks!  ... but yeah we don't have (that I know of) a single click to download the latest version in the admin panel, that would be nice.

Re: How to Upgrade elkarte

Reply #13

Yeah I found them after looking around some more.

Quote from: Spuds – The patches are all on your favorite site:

They are listed in the seldom looked at admin new block, I think the title of the latest news takes you to that release.
Yup, it does. Had me fooled for a bit. TBH I never paid any attention to that block in all my years of adminning SMF. The only time I looked at it was when I had to debug markup and CSS during development, and I couldn't remember every detail of the markup.

Quotewe don't have (that I know of) a single click to download the latest version in the admin panel, that would be nice.
That's what I was used to using, and my guess is most ex-SMF users would be used to it too. Would be handy, if it's not too difficult to arrange. It's easy to miss updates in the dastardly little scrolly box.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: How to Upgrade elkarte

Reply #14

Has the updating process changed? On Github there seems to be a patch zip now but copying the files over from that into ElkArte seems to do absolutely nothing. Or at least, ElkArte itself still reports 1.0.10 here. Should I just use the old instructions and use the version instead?

Edit: I see now, the patch zip is something that you install through the package manager. But since I'm on such an old version anyway I'll go with the alternative instructions of copying over files from the install version.

Edit 2: that broke it:

I'll revert to the previous version I had for now, but I'm at a loss as to how I can properly update ElkArte to the latest version.
Last Edit: January 25, 2018, 08:01:22 am by DaVince