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[Bug] Can't upload avatar. Started by Antechinus · · Read 9826 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

[Bug] Can't upload avatar.

I did have an avatar uploaded the other, day, but it vanished. Since then I haven't be able to reload it, so something is kaput innit. :P
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: [Bug] Can't upload avatar.

Reply #1

 TestMonkey pleads innocent (as it should be) and thinks Spuds must have not merged all my changes, such as index.php changes, from the git version...
Last Edit: December 07, 2012, 08:43:50 am by TestMonkey
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.

Re: [Bug] Can't upload avatar.

Reply #2

Oh goody. Linking in an external av stll works. :P

You'll have to break that too, just to be consistent. ;)

ETA: ROFL. Now there's another bug. Note how the avatar is this post is squashed, while the one up in the header is scaled correctly. That's down to the ancient SMF html resize code, which gently caress scaling. Got a fix for that already.
Last Edit: December 07, 2012, 05:28:24 pm by Antechinus
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: [Bug] Can't upload avatar.

Reply #3

Well it should be working now ... I had not uploaded TestMonkeys latest attachments.php, da one with all those missing globals :P  I believe the site has the latest files, and therefore all the latest bugs as well !

Re: [Bug] Can't upload avatar.

Reply #4

Yup. Works now.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P