Re: Check all files against current versions error Reply #15 – October 27, 2018, 10:34:44 am I noted that @emanuele reverted the iterator to the old one in EA 1.1.5 causing the same error all over again. Please refix in 1.1.6 and note that I won't be re-opening the same issue again at github.
Re: Check all files against current versions error Reply #16 – October 27, 2018, 11:39:15 am @ahrasis you sent the pull request to development, not to the patch version, I didn't notice and the fix was missed.
Re: Check all files against current versions error Reply #17 – October 28, 2018, 08:53:10 am Sorry but I only know as there are only development, master and gh-pages branches; and I am not sure how to PR to other than that. I remember that I was told that PR to development should be fine?This 1.1.2 fix was already noted by you and @Spuds in PR #3121 and #3166, for milestone 1.1.3 and 1.1.4, and I only come to know it is not there again when I updated to 1.1.5 as I haven't updated to 1.1.4; so I don't have clue if somebody will forget about it again in any update?I guess I'll post and remind here (forum instead of github) in the future.
Re: Check all files against current versions error Reply #18 – October 28, 2018, 09:17:24 am @emanuele If you create the 1.1.6 branch I will do that change against that. Same as the other outstanding one I currently have on there that I can't switch to the new branch as it doesn't exist. That ok with you @ahrasis ?
Re: Check all files against current versions error Reply #19 – October 28, 2018, 03:51:02 pm Oh my... I forgot to create the branch, sorry!! Now it's up.