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"Your database version is 1.1.4" Started by · · Read 6131 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

"Your database version is 1.1.4"


Every now and then I am getting this error. I am pretty sure I started on 1.1.5 but, it is possible it was 1.1.4 followed quickly by 1.1.5.

My question is, how do I update the db to 1.1.5?

thank you.

Version Information:
This version: ElkArte 1.1.5
Current version: 1.1.5
Code: [Select]
Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column 'elkuser.t.id_last_msg' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with DISTINCT
File: .../sources/subs/Unread.class.php
Line: 427

Note: Your database version is 1.1.4.

Re: "Your database version is 1.1.4"

Reply #1

It is not a elkarte database version issue. It is a bug that needs to be fixed with elkarte or you can disable a setting in your myself configuration for group by's

Re: "Your database version is 1.1.4"

Reply #2

OH! ok thank you so much for the reply.

Quoteor you can disable a setting in your myself configuration for group by's

I will see if I can find what you are referring to here.

Re: "Your database version is 1.1.4"

Reply #3

I meant mysql configuration your my.cnf file
You have "ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY" in your sql_mode setting

Re: "Your database version is 1.1.4"

Reply #4

Well, technically is something we should fix and make elk align with the "recent" (well, few years ago I think) changes with mysql defaults (that would also mean align with psql leading to less maintenance).
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: "Your database version is 1.1.4"

Reply #5

Tracked at
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Re: "Your database version is 1.1.4"

Reply #6

Thank you both!

QuoteI meant mysql configuration your my.cnf file
You have "ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY" in your sql_mode setting

I had no clue about making adjustments to mysql configuration. I found that my ubuntu 18.04 with mysql v 5.7 were configured as you said

Code: [Select]
| @@sql_mode  

I had to make a new entry in my /etc/mysql/my.cnf  to
Code: [Select]

and restart mysql.

my  new "select @@sql_mode" shows that ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY has been removed.

Does all that seem like the correct procedure to fix the problem at the server end?

As I mentioned I do not always run into this error, so, I am not sure what triggers it.

 I have had a this Note: Your database version is 1.1.4. before doing some other operation, but, I cannot find it in my/admin/error logs. they seem to have already been pruned.

Anyway, thanks again. Best!
Last Edit: December 28, 2018, 01:42:20 pm by