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how to "Subscribe to boards and get the full text of the posts on that board"? Started by rjm · · Read 5159 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: how to "Subscribe to boards and get the full text of the posts on that board"?

Reply #15

Quote from: Spuds – I know there is code in there to get to the subject root

In addition to RE there is  FW / FWD / SUBJECT tags that get added.  Its supposed to clean all that, but with the way things can get munged via email I can see it both missing or clobbering the line.

Yes - noble idea but I don't think it can ever be made reliable.  Might as well call it the "Email thread-trashing routine".  I've found it works best overall when disabled.

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