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Theme Installation Issue.. Started by razz · · Read 1472 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Theme Installation Issue..

I've recently installed ElkArte, and have been working on customizing things so I can get everything going. I've been using PhpBB and SMF for a long time, and have run into countless confusing situations but worked most of them out.

Theres many things I'll be tackling. Although I've run into an issue with installing Silence. I have altered the colors in the css from the blue highlights, to Red. Although have not touched anything else, yet.

Just wondering, is there a way to get the uploaded theme to show up as the default theme? I'm pretty sure that I'm missing something really simple. I have gone into the admin panel, and tried to set the Silence theme as the main one, but nothing happens, except some of the images in the default stop loading.

Any help would be most appreciated.

Re: Theme Installation Issue..

Reply #1

I'm now so embarrassed, the theme kicked in while I was setting the signatures. Most likely it was server side and on my end.

Although the color changes I made before uploading it didnt kick in. I hate to ask such a noob question, but which css file covers the colors aspect?

Re: Theme Installation Issue..

Reply #2

Did you do the changes to the Silence package?
What I would do is use a custom.css file: create a file named custom.css and upload it next to the index.css of your theme, then put the changes you want into that custom.css file and you are done.
That way, even if the theme is updated for whatever reason, your changes are safe. :)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Re: Theme Installation Issue..

Reply #3

That makes sense. =)
I wound up installing the rar file, and will go to work on the custom.css later on. Thank you!