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Post/reply by email not working? Started by edweiss · · Read 6153 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Post/reply by email not working?

Hello all,

I am new to ElkArte but I am really looking forward to using it!

I've tried setting up post/reply by email and it doesn't seem to be working. I've done the following:
-Enabled the core feature
-Added the proper forwarding addresses with piping enabled to the PHP scripts
-Changed permissions of the emailpost and emailtopic files to 755.

Now, nothing seems to happen when I try to reply or post. There's nothing in the PHP error log, and I don't receive any bounced-back messages.

Any suggestions?

Re: Post/reply by email not working?

Reply #1

Make sure the shebang line at the start of emailpost and emailtopic are correct for your system/os ...  Read the leading comment in those files for some help on how to check.

Re: Post/reply by email not working?

Reply #2

OK, tried changing it, but now I'm getting a bounceback with the following error message:

PHP Notice:  Undefined index: default_forum_action in /home/wdwbbjsw/ on line 737

Re: Post/reply by email not working?

Reply #3

OK ... well at least thats progress, we know the return mail is making it to the system.  I'll have a look into that error.

Re: Post/reply by email not working?

Reply #4

Thanks so much!

Re: Post/reply by email not working?

Reply #5

Could you tell me which version of ElkArte you are using?

Re: Post/reply by email not working?

Reply #6

It's 1.1.3

Re: Post/reply by email not working?

Reply #7

Could you attach your bootstrap.php file here, I just want to check that its current.

Re: Post/reply by email not working?

Reply #8

Sure, here it is

Re: Post/reply by email not working?

Reply #9

That file is fine ... I'm really not sure how you are able to generate that error. 

I just installed 1.1.3 to a test forum and the email reply function worked (after I worked around an unrelated issue that needs to be fixed in 1.1.4) 

Do you see any errors in the server mail.log or other error somewhere?   How did you pipe the inbound email to the emailpost.php script?  Just to make sure, you are receiving an email from your forum, like when there is a new post on a board you subscribed to,  you then reply to that and then get a return email bounce with above error?  

Re: Post/reply by email not working?

Reply #10


I'm using Cpanel so not sure that I can access mail logs easily... The inbound mail is piped through Cpanel. I'll try once more but yes, I post a new topic on the website, get an email about it, then try to reply that email.

Re: Post/reply by email not working?

Reply #11

Cpanel should do it just fine ....  have not used it in years but did successfully use it with this function.

I think you need to make sure both the script and the directory it is in have permissions of 0755 then you have to setup a new email filter, give it a name and then specify the destination as |/home/username/path/to/emailpost.php (and emailtopic.php only if you are allowing new topics my email)

Re: Post/reply by email not working?

Reply #12

Tried it but still causing the same error message... I'll attach the whole bounced message for your reference.


Re: Post/reply by email not working?

Reply #13

Try removing your | character from your filter ... not sure that's it or not, but the text of your message appears to indicate you are pointing to an invalid endpoint.

Re: Post/reply by email not working?

Reply #14

The pipe is added by Cpanel automatically.

Do you know of any quick script I could use to just test the piping process?