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Permissions simple view Started by emanuele · · Read 9003 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Re: IRC

Permissions simple view

Quote from: TestMonkey – (11:46:09 PM) emanuele: what do you think about dropping the "simple" permissions view?
(11:46:39 PM) Norv: I'd like that
(11:46:57 PM) ***Norv is not a fan. I suppose you mean the view where only some are displayed
(11:47:18 PM) emanuele: TBH I don't even know the difference... lol
(11:47:53 PM) emanuele: I always switch to classic every time I install's one of the first things I do :P
(11:48:48 PM) Norv: Same.
(11:49:01 PM) emanuele: That's something that was hanging around in my mind since a while, though it's Arantor's fault if I remembered it now O:-)
(11:49:57 PM) Norv: I think simple view had a few fans, but tbh I remember many weren't.
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Re: Permissions simple view

Reply #1

Added some comments to the issue. Just for reference:

I'm inclined to think it's useless. Permissions are, by nature, complex.

One thing that does bug me about the current setup is having "permissions" on one page and "post moderation" on another. The permissions page already includes the relevant options.

The "post moderation" page just confuses the issue, IMO, and is likely to cause problems for users, rather than prevent them. That's not counting the extra code required to run it (teh bloatness) and the fact that the presentation is not exactly easy to read (columns tend to run together and need more definition).

Suggestion: kill "post moderation" as a separate category, and just assign permissions, as you want them, on one page. Less code. Less confusion. Gotta be good.
Just looking a bit deeper. I think the whole system needs a bit of a re-think. Take the "Modify group" option. That leads to two different pages, depending on where you start. You either go to area=permissions;sa=modify;group=-1;pid=1 or you go to area=permissions;sa=modify;group=-1;view=classic

These pages are supposedly both for editing permissions for the same group, but have dfferent layouts. This is a dog's breakfast, because in both cases you have to edit a profile, which then gets applied to a board. So, why are there two different pages for accomplishing what is, effectively, one task? It's as clear as mud.

Surely the one page headed "Permissions for group "Guests" in profile "Default"" (area=permissions;sa=modify;group=-1;pid=1) should be adequate, if properly set up.

I'm quite sure that it should be possible to streamline this, so that there are fewer pages to cross reference, while still allowing the same degree of control. Honestly, it's little wonder that so many people don't like 2.0.x much. It's not very user-friendly.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Permissions simple view

Reply #2

The post moderation page is also broken in some "edge cases" (I seem to remember guests-any permissions is not assignable from there).

I still have in mind to completely change it in a way or another, but I have yet to think exactly how.

One thing related to permissions I was considering just yesterday before going bed (so I didn't elaborate the consequences) is to allow multiple profiles per board, or try to make profiles more flexible for example grouping only certain membergroups (I thought that last one just now, so it's even less well thought).

And anyway, from time to time I am confused by the permission system, so something is definitely wrong. :P
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Re: Permissions simple view

Reply #3


1) The entire nature of having two separate pages for configuring permissions is ridiculous. Either have simple or have classic and ditch the other.

2) Post moderation's configuration is a mess. Not only does it have the extra page that's lovely and confusing, there is ambiguity as to what's there. You're best ditching it too.

I would note that I gutted the permissions entirely for post moderation and made it not tied to any permissions but to a set of rules that may or may not be post count dependent, may or may not be board dependent and may or may not be otherwise group dependent.

You may also find it interesting to read the various discussions on it at Wedge, of which probably the most useful are:

I haven't ruled out porting SimpleDesk's to Wedge (separating permissions from groups by way of roles) but it's the presentation aspect as well as the importing aspect that keeps putting me off. But I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling like the setup is messed up - though the detailed reports are generally pretty good about showing you who has what and the profile > show permissions is even better.

Re: Permissions simple view

Reply #4

Quote from: emanuele – One thing related to permissions I was considering just yesterday before going bed (so I didn't elaborate the consequences) is to allow multiple profiles per board......
Hang on a minute there. I want to make it less confusing. :D

Quote from: Arantor – FWIW:

1) The entire nature of having two separate pages for configuring permissions is ridiculous. Either have simple or have classic and ditch the other.

2) Post moderation's configuration is a mess. Not only does it have the extra page that's lovely and confusing, there is ambiguity as to what's there. You're best ditching it too.
Seems we all agree on this part anyway. Must be good.

Will check out the discussions you linked too. Thanks. :)
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Permissions simple view

Reply #5

Quote from: Antechinus –
Quote from: emanuele – One thing related to permissions I was considering just yesterday before going bed (so I didn't elaborate the consequences) is to allow multiple profiles per board......
Hang on a minute there. I want to make it less confusing. :D
You get it wrong! :D

 emanuele is master of confusion

Seriously: 90% of the confusion comes from the frontend, the backend can be whatever.

Let's say we create a backend system that handles each group independently for each board and that allows you to assign multiple permission profiles to each board: so you can create a profile containing one or more groups and assign it to one or more boards and assign to the same board one or more profiles. Fine.
It's a mess for the user, isn't it?
Then we create a frontend with just the groups, when editing permissions for a group (by default for all boards that don't have custom permissions) you can change the permissions for that group in a specific board (let's say a button at the end with "customize permissions for board xxx (dropdown with the boards"). Good, you go there and you customize your permissions and click "save". Once clicked the system checks (in the backend) if there are other boards that had the same permissions as the one you just edited, if so it asks you "board yyy and zzz had the same kind of permissions, maybe you want to change those too? yes/no/some" (yes => change all, no => change only the one I decided, some => let me select the other boards I want to change). Depending on the answer the system takes care of create a new profile or update the existing ones.

Profiles, roles and whatever become completely transparent to the user and the complexity is (mostly) gone.

Drawback: the permissions table may become messy quickly.

Disclaimer: thinking while writing. I may have missed some aspect of the current permissions system that would make the example BS.
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Re: Permissions simple view

Reply #6

Grab us a bog standard also stands out like a give it a burl. She'll be right ambo as cunning as a feral. Stands out like a schooner how as dry as a bushranger. Lets throw a dunny rat no dramas as stands out like dag. We're going dero when lets get some aussie salute. She'll be right fair dinkum flamin lets throw a two pot screamer. Lets throw a sheila where we're going chuck a sickie. Gutful of blowie also lets get some daks. As busy as a rego mate flat out like a snag. You little ripper quid no worries you little ripper bikkie. hooroo how stands out like a cab sav.

Just sayin'. :)
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Permissions simple view

Reply #7

And I didn't even mention git or github! :D
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Re: Permissions simple view

Reply #8

This is gone.

Still present post moderation (probably still with the bug about guests and reply-any, I don't remember). Should go that too?
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