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Notify me if I am quoted Started by Jorin · · Read 13653 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Notify me if I am quoted

Some forums notify my if one of my posts is quoted from another user. Do you plan to offer this function (maybe optional, switch it off and on in user settings. And when yes, put an option for notifies when @username is used, please!) too?

Re: Notify me if I am quoted

Reply #1

By chance, it's a couple of days I'm working on a more consistent (hopefully) notification system, and this post of yours made me want to give it a try:
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Re: Notify me if I am quoted

Reply #2

Great! Do you have a test system to play with future features?

Re: Notify me if I am quoted

Reply #3

Not really yet... also because at the moment it's still an early work in progress (there isn't even a user interface to set the type of notifications lol).
When the features will stabilize a bit I may be able to install it on the .it domain, that would give everybody a place to play, but for the moment, unless someone comes up with an automated way to install and set it up it would be quite time consuming (and I prefer to mess with the code LOL).
Of course, if there is anyone willing to do and maintain the installs I'd be happy to support the bug fixing. ;D
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Re: Notify me if I am quoted

Reply #4

I'd say we are still in the break while building mode  ;D  so a bit early to show 1.1 in action.   But ... BUT ... don't worry, you will be seeing it in action I promise !

Re: Notify me if I am quoted

Reply #5

I asked not because of myself.  ;)  Maybe it's good to have a board to play with, try new functions, optimize them in handling and layout before publishing them. Just my 2 cents.  ;)

Re: Notify me if I am quoted

Reply #6

Yep, true.
I guess, if we want to respect the September deadline for the beta, it should arrive here... more or less in June/July in a "no-major-features-but-not-yet-frozen" state (i.e. alpha).
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Re: Notify me if I am quoted

Reply #7

Quote from: emanuele – Yep, true.
I guess, if we want to respect the September deadline for the beta, it should arrive here... more or less in June/July in a "no-major-features-but-not-yet-frozen" state (i.e. alpha).

That's great news. Too bad my one production forum using Elk has shut down. :(

Re: Notify me if I am quoted

Reply #8

Bummer ... start another, convert an existing, just do it !  :D

Re: Notify me if I am quoted

Reply #9

Quote from: Jorin – Great! Do you have a test system to play with future features?

@emanuele I believe I mentioned that I/my company has given you a test platform to mess with. Although... we'll need to move it to a separate server and set it up for automated testing and the like...

makes note to do this ASAP

Re: Notify me if I am quoted

Reply #10

Yep, I remember.
What I think Jorin was thinking at was an installed up-and-running forum with the most recent development version of Elk.
To have that, though, what we need is at least a cron job able to either:
a) drop any existing data, fetch the HEAD of the development branch, install and secure the install, let people play with it, or
b) fetch the HEAD of the development branch, upgrade any existing data to the latest version, let people play with it.
"a" should be easier than "b", even though "b" is probably more desirable. Actually, now that I think again about that, I think I have around somewhere a python script I put together for playing able to download the latest version from github and perform the install. Adding few features (like make all files not writable and fetch from a particular branch) should be enough to have almost the desired effect.
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Re: Notify me if I am quoted

Reply #11

Quote from: emanuele – Yep, I remember.
What I think Jorin was thinking at was an installed up-and-running forum with the most recent development version of Elk.
To have that, though, what we need is at least a cron job able to either:
a) drop any existing data, fetch the HEAD of the development branch, install and secure the install, let people play with it, or
b) fetch the HEAD of the development branch, upgrade any existing data to the latest version, let people play with it.
"a" should be easier than "b", even though "b" is probably more desirable. Actually, now that I think again about that, I think I have around somewhere a python script I put together for playing able to download the latest version from github and perform the install. Adding few features (like make all files not writable and fetch from a particular branch) should be enough to have almost the desired effect.

Crons? Should be easily doable. I'll get with you ASAP and see if I can help you rework the testing environment to do that for you. But... as far as I'm thinking, it shouldn't be an issue to do both. Or one or the other. B is probably the best way to go forward, given that with a live test forum that people can mess with, you'll be able to find bugs faster and be able to merge fixes into the stable branch.

I should also probably implement a spam-bot prevention measure via http or something similar to ensure the server doesn't get blacklisted.

Edit: Actually, come to think of it, doing both is probably a good idea. Makes it easier for seeing how people might break a stable forum install and/or compromise it while also testing the code changes in the development install.

Re: Notify me if I am quoted

Reply #12

I thought of a board to play with only for you which are working on ElkArte. Not for the public. Of course you could show some screenshots of new features to the public.  ;)

Re: Notify me if I am quoted

Reply #13

Quote from: Keiro – But... as far as I'm thinking, it shouldn't be an issue to do both.
It's a development technical issue: we agreed on making the upgrade able to upgrade only starting from a "final" version, not from any arbitrary development release/state, so there is basically no simple way to "upgrade" any arbitrary "dev-build" to another dev-build if the two builds differ in the database structure. The only reliable way is to do it manually.

Quote from: Jorin – I thought of a board to play with only for you which are working on ElkArte. Not for the public. Of course you could show some screenshots of new features to the public.  ;)
Well, we have local test sites. Mine are all messed up because I use the dev space to test any kind of thing like addons, themes, random scripts I need for any reason, random dev builds with different database structures, etc. Also I use the same db for 1.0 and 1.1, so it becomes even more messy. LOL

I don't really feel like posting screenshots just because there is any sort of things around in that testing area and most of them are not really professional... lol
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Re: Notify me if I am quoted

Reply #14

Do not expect many screenshots, but since I have just finished that I'll post it. :P

The way the members are supposed to configure their notifications in 1.1.
Still WIP, because I did the first commit about 10 minutes ago, but quite similar to what I was aiming at. O:-)
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