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PHP >= 5.3 Started by Joshua Dickerson · · Read 1964 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

PHP >= 5.3

Once you guys bump the minimum version, there are some cool things which you should do implement.

Add a DIC (Pimple is what I would recommend)
Composer/Packagist will allow you to be downloaded on Packagist. It will also allow you to add packages with ease
Once you have that, use Stash to handle the caching. $item->isHit() is so much nicer than checking a bunch of different mechanisms
Lambda functions instead of create_function() to make those functions much easier to develop/debug
Remove all of the legacy code which will make development easier and will make the package smaller
Of course, namespaces and an autoloader
Maybe switch the logging to Monolog?
I'm sure there will be places where the SPL classes will come in handy.
There's a bunch of smaller changes and I might start adding them in here.