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"quick" reply Started by emanuele · · Read 9423 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

"quick" reply

A while ago, I was writing a mod for SMF:
the idea was to start "deprecating" the post page, making it useful just for new topics and modify messages.

Now, after a while I found again the repo, I translated the commit messages to English and pushed at github.
It may be interesting (at some point) consider something like this... O:-)

Of course that mod is a bit outdated at the moment, though Feature Cat may find it interesting. :P
Last Edit: March 18, 2013, 05:27:06 am by emanuele
Bugs creator.
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Re: "quick" reply

Reply #1

Could you explain a bit further what this does  O:-)

Re: "quick" reply

Reply #2

Let's say it puts "everything" you need when you want to create a post (including subject, icons, additional options, attachments, etc.) into the "quick" reply.
Then, "Display" inherits all the behaviours of "Post" including the preview, the fact for example that if someone else creates a message while you are posting, warns you the moment you click on "post" or "preview" and AJAXly loads the new message/s and puts then into the proper position giving you the warning "someone has posted you may want to review the message", etc.

A bit of screenshots attached to explain it a bit more easily (on SMF 2.0).

The main drawback is that it has to load quite a lot of javascript in Display too that may be useful...or not..

Re: "quick" reply

Reply #3

Ah ... quick reply on steroids  :D makes sense really

Re: "quick" reply

Reply #4

Why do you always say "yes"? :P
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
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Re: "quick" reply

Reply #5

So that he won't have to come up with the idea later. This means you have to do the coding cuz he's lazy. :D
Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion, you must set yourself on fire!

Re: "quick" reply

Reply #6

 Feature Cat sniffs around the code and screenshots, not very convinced of the appeal of this thingy-thing.

Re: "quick" reply

Reply #7

Don't look at the code, it was just a hackish way to keep low the amount of work in SMF. :P
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: "quick" reply

Reply #8

Quote* Feature Cat sniffs around the code and screenshots, not very convinced of the appeal of this thingy-thing.
Could feature cat actually be getting full  :o  :P

Re: "quick" reply

Reply #9

TBH I'm happy with what we've got now. Events, polls, attachments, etc can stay where they are.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: "quick" reply

Reply #10

I think that in the current state I should be able to obtain the same effect without a single code edit...quick reply is in a layer that can be removed and re-added (cool, I have to add a "replace" method to the layers class! :D) easily, Display.template.php doesn't have any template_main, so I can load Post.template.php without risk of function conflicts and re-use the layers there, the only trick I have to use is that I cannot add the Post functions as layers, but I have to call them directly. Not a big deal. :P
Bugs creator.
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