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Go to top button Started by meetdilip · · Read 4968 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Go to top button

Cannot use comfortably in mobile without it. Please see what can be done.

Re: Go to top button

Reply #1

The two buttons go to top / bottom are visible only in horizontal mode on my Nexus 5.
sorry for my bad english

Re: Go to top button

Reply #2

Now that you mention it, available in horizontal view state.

Re: Go to top button

Reply #3

They were visible, but then they were removed because I think it was mentioned they were not really useful.
I have no opinions on the matter TBH. :P
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Re: Go to top button

Reply #4

Would be nice to have them.

Re: Go to top button

Reply #5

Disagree. I just swipe fast or go back

Re: Go to top button

Reply #6

Indeed they were hidden for the small screens since they took up valuable screen real estate (there is no gutter for it to live in on the small screens) and most (all?) phones you can just swipe coast back to the top/bottom.  It just seemed like an element that was not intended for mobile interfaces.
Last Edit: May 17, 2015, 08:41:01 pm by Spuds

Re: Go to top button

Reply #7

Or you can add it back yourself...

Re: Go to top button

Reply #8

Depends on the length of the board index.  :-X

Re: Go to top button

Reply #9

Sounds to me like scrolling is a very tedious job when we use PC. Much less exercise to fingers than swiping.

Re: Go to top button

Reply #10

As I said I have no opinions on the mobile stuff, and I don't really want to give an "opinion" on the desktop one because I know I'm particular, I'll just describe the ways I normally use to scroll up and down:
sustained click of the scroll wheel and up (I can't use that now because of several side-problems),
home button (since I use the keyboard 95% of the time this is my preferred),
* grab the bar and move up.
I use the wheel seldom, that's mainly why I never really understood the reason for an UI-element that "helps" me to go to the top of the page. Also because I'd have to learn the position of the element for each and every site you visit (one may be on the left, one on the right, corner, mid-screen, fixed position, relative position only at the bottom, etc.)

Additionally the way the scroll is done by the up/down button (i.e. slowly accelerating/decelerating and moving stuff around), it makes me feel sick every time (and I don't mean in a figurative way, but in a real way, it gives me motion-sickness, or at least it used to, I prefer not to try it :P), so I never used it.

@Jorin I'm not sure if you mean you would have them back or not.
Anyway, if you want them back on your forum, you can add to your custom.css:
Code: [Select]
@media screen and (max-width: 33.750em) {
#gobottom, #gotop {
display: block;
that should be enough. ;)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Go to top button

Reply #11

Quote from: emanuele – @Jorin I'm not sure if you mean you would have them back or not.
Anyway, if you want them back on your forum, you can add to your custom.css:
Code: [Select]
@media screen and (max-width: 33.750em) {
#gobottom, #gotop {
display: block;
that should be enough. ;)

I don't need them in the mobile view, but I need them in the desktop view because I have many boards.

Re: Go to top button

Reply #12

They're still there on the desktop version, at least in the _light default theme.  It's on the left side of the browser on this particular forum anyway.

I find them annoying on mobile because fixed elements don't work well with pinch to zoom, so I'm glad they were disabled there.

On my forum I added links to "forum" and "unread" at the bottom below the "who's online" or the quick reply (I forget where in the templates they actually live, but they show up on every page.)  They're unobtrusive but very helpful as you get to the end of a page and they're always there to take you back.  If you use the unread posts it's great as you finish reading whatever you read and click unread again and get an updated page of what is unread.  Or if you want to go back to the top of the forum you click (or touch) the forum link.  A very natural place to have them.

When I first switched from SMF to Elkarte and they hadn't been added back in I got complaints from users.  So they're pretty popular.  I know I'm always annoyed at their absence when I'm reading here instead of my forum.  :P

Re: Go to top button

Reply #13

The need to hide go to top button arises because of the nature of those buttons. If we replace the screen consuming buttons within default theme with usual arrow buttons it can be useful. As for so we need it in mobile, no if in you don't need in PC.

Speaking of which, an option to disable go to top on mobile in ACP ?


Re: Go to top button

Reply #14

Quote from: Jorin – I don't need them in the mobile view, but I need them in the desktop view because I have many boards.
How is that related to many boards? Jump to is normally used to go to other board, right?

Plus, it (go to up and go to bottom) is not removed from desktop view. Or you want the old go up and down button like in SMF?