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Arcade or maybe a store? Started by Sclark9583 · · Read 10503 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Arcade or maybe a store?

Just kicking around some ideas...SMF has a decent add on for a store and a few Arcades for members to play and a store for people to buy, sell and trade with each other. Just a thought...

Sclark  ;)

Re: Arcade or maybe a store?

Reply #1

A store feature would be great. Lets wait :)

Re: Arcade or maybe a store?

Reply #2

I was thinking of converting some arcade mod from you know here if there are any open source or free license for it. Can someone point me to the right directions?

Re: Arcade or maybe a store?

Reply #4

I will mention what has lead to the decline in use of the arcade mods is that they had flash games and flash support is being phased out by browsers.

Re: Arcade or maybe a store?

Reply #5

When I saw the subject only one question popped up in my mind: isn't flash going to be phased out early next year? Okay, google says end of 2020.

I wonder if at some point someone started developing similar games in HTML5.
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Re: Arcade or maybe a store?

Reply #6

Quote from: emanuele – When I saw the subject only one question popped up in my mind: isn't flash going to be phased out early next year? Okay, google says end of 2020.

I wonder if at some point someone started developing similar games in HTML5.

SMF arcade from the link Spuds posted above does support HTML5 games.  There's a few HTML5 games which Underdog has converted so far, no doubt there will be more popping up.  Gamepacks 23, 24, 25 here for example,;area=stable_smf_arcade_gamepacks