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Suggestions to help those trying to migrate from SMF Started by nwsw · · Read 1499 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Suggestions to help those trying to migrate from SMF

Currently on SMF 1.1 (utf-8); I am in the process of evaluating ElkArte. I would suggest a couple of changes that would probably help others in a situation similar to mine:

  • remove the old upgrade.php script and supporting files from the github repos, since it is broken and you do not seem to support or use it
  • add a short readme_smf_migration.html to the docs folder that directly links to the openimporter and perhaps provides a short explanation that both forums must exist and use the same database with different db prefixes
  • perhaps a mention of migration possibilities (openimporter) in your release announcements, such as this one

Re: Suggestions to help those trying to migrate from SMF

Reply #1

  • Is upgrade.php really that broken? Well, anyway it "has to go" at some point, so... good point.
  • Documentation is in general a very weak point at the moment... :( So much to document. ::)
    We should document even OpenImporter, that would solve "any" import problem, and would be easier to point from here to "there", yeah.
    OpenImporter supports importing from different databases for sure, it may be it doesn't support importing from different databases and different users, that I'm not sure about.
  • Good point again.

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