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SCEditor CPU hungry? Started by Chainy · · Read 7003 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Quoting text (WYSIWYG)

SCEditor CPU hungry?

Just wondering if the lag problem is specific to Firefox, so I'm now trying out Chromium (version 28). When typing in WYSIWYG, Chromium is a lot more responsive at first (CPU around 30%). No visible lag at first, but then after a couple of minutes of typing, things start to slow down (CPU reaching around 50% sometimes).

Maybe my computer is just too old for this kind of thing? It's got a Intel Core2 Duo processor, purchased in about 2007, I think (LG R400 laptop).


Re: SCEditor CPU hungry?

Reply #1

Yes, I see something very similar on my lappy (atom something, 3 years old with Opera, FF seems a bit more reactive, but not that much).
It seems the WYSWIG editor is not very cheap when it comes to client-side CPU.
It happens somehow with the bare editor as well (tested at ), but not to the magnitude we are experiencing here, so part of the problem may be some of ours plugins or hacks (mine :P) to integrate it with the rest of the script.
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