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german holidays Started by Jorin · · Read 18194 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

german holidays

Is there an addon for german holidays? Or: If I give you a list, can anyone make an addon?

Re: german holidays

Reply #1

You mean for the calendar entries ? 

You can add them with manage holidays area, granted that can get to be tedious if its one of those the first Monday after a full moon on leap years kind of one.

Otherwise you can add them with phpmyadmin with something like
Code: [Select]
INSERT INTO elkarte_calendar_holidays
(title, event_date)
VALUES ('Weizenbier Day', '0004-01-02'),
('Hefeweizen Day', '0004-01-03'),
('Märzen Day', '0004-01-04'),
('Doppelbock Day', '0004-01-05'),
('Bock and Bratwurst Day', '0004-01-06')
use 0004 for ones that are the same date each year, or if its a moving target you have to add it for each entry like
Code: [Select]
	('Winter Solstice', '2014-12-21'),
('Winter Solstice', '2015-12-21'),
('Winter Solstice', '2016-12-21'),
('Winter Solstice', '2017-12-21')

Re: german holidays

Reply #2

German holidays are apparently awesome ;)

Re: german holidays

Reply #3

Anyway, if we have them, build a package is not difficult at all. ;D
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: german holidays

Reply #4

Date   Weekday   Holiday name   Holiday type   Where it is observed
Jan 1   Friday   New Year's Day   National holiday   
Jan 6   Wednesday   Epiphany   Common Local holidays   BW, BY, ST
Feb 8   Monday   Shrove Monday   Observance   
Feb 9   Tuesday   Carnival/Shrove Tuesday   Observance   
Feb 10   Wednesday   Carnival/Ash Wednesday   Silent Day   
Feb 14   Sunday   Valentine's Day   Observance   
Mar 20   Sunday   March equinox   Season   
Mar 20   Sunday   Palm Sunday   Observance   
Mar 24   Thursday   Maundy Thursday   Silent Day   
Mar 25   Friday   Good Friday   Silent Day   
Mar 27   Sunday   Daylight Saving Time starts   Clock change/Daylight Saving Time   
Mar 27   Sunday   Easter Day   Silent Day   Brandenburg
Mar 28   Monday   Easter Monday   National holiday   
May 1   Sunday   May Day   National holiday   
May 5   Thursday   Ascension Day   National holiday   
May 8   Sunday   Mother's Day   Observance   
May 15   Sunday   Whit Sunday   Silent Day   Brandenburg
May 16   Monday   Whit Monday   National holiday   
May 26   Thursday   Corpus Christi   Common Local holidays   BW, BY, HE, NRW, RLP, SL, SN, TH
Jun 20   Monday   June Solstice   Season   
Aug 8   Monday   Peace Festival   Local holiday   Bavaria
Aug 15   Monday   Assumption of Mary   Common Local holidays   Bavaria, Saarland
Sep 22   Thursday   September equinox   Season   
Oct 3   Monday   Day of German Unity   National holiday   
Oct 30   Sunday   Daylight Saving Time ends   Clock change/Daylight Saving Time   
Oct 31   Monday   Reformation Day   Common Local holidays   BB, MVP, SN, ST, TH
Oct 31   Monday   Halloween   Observance   
Nov 1   Tuesday   All Saints' Day   Silent Day   BW, BY, NRW, RLP, SL, TH
Nov 11   Friday   St. Martin's Day   Observance   
Nov 13   Sunday   National Day of Mourning   Silent Day   
Nov 16   Wednesday   Repentance Day   Common Local holidays   Saxony
Nov 20   Sunday   Sunday of the Dead   Silent Day   
Nov 27   Sunday   First Sunday Advent   Observance   
Dec 4   Sunday   Second Sunday Advent   Observance   
Dec 6   Tuesday   Saint Nicholas Day   Observance   
Dec 11   Sunday   Third Sunday Advent   Observance   
Dec 18   Sunday   Fourth Sunday Advent   Observance   
Dec 21   Wednesday   December Solstice   Season   
Dec 24   Saturday   Christmas Eve   Silent Day   
Dec 25   Sunday   Christmas Day   National holiday   
Dec 26   Monday   Boxing Day   National holiday   
Dec 31   Saturday   New Year's Eve   Observance   

Re: german holidays

Reply #6

Here are the german holidays for 2018:

Code: [Select]
INSERT INTO elkarte_calendar_holidays
(title, event_date)
VALUES ('Neujahr', '0004-01-01'),
('Heilige Drei Könige', '2018-01-06'),
('Karfreitag', '2018-03-30'),
('Ostersonntag', '2018-04-01'),
('Ostermontag', '2018-04-02'),
('Tag der Arbeit', '2018-05-01'),
('Christi Himmelfahrt', '2018-05-10'),
('Pfingstsonntag', '2018-05-20'),
('Pfingstmontag', '2018-05-21'),
('Fronleichnam', '2018-05-31'),
('Mariä Himmelfahrt', '2018-08-15'),
('Tag der Deutschen Einheit', '0004-10-03'),
('Reformationstag', '2018-10-31'),
('Allerheiligen', '2018-11-01'),
('Buß- und Bettag', '2018-11-21'),
('1. Weihnachtsfeiertag', '0004-12-25'),
('2. Weihnachtsfeiertag', '0004-12-26'),
('Silvester', '0004-12-31');

Re: german holidays

Reply #7

Depending on the federal state you live in, there are between 9 and 13 public holidays in Germany every year. Public holidays in Germany include national holidays, of which there are only two, as well as religious holidays and secularized holidays with a religious background.
Last Edit: October 21, 2020, 11:25:56 am by ahrasis