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Allowing moderators to see staff forum? Started by NepScarlet · · Read 4401 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Allowing moderators to see staff forum?


I have added a moderator to my forum, but he is unable to see the private staff forum. I'm not sure how to add permissions to specific forums for normal moderators (global mods and admins can see it fine from what I can tell), could someone assist me?


Re: Allowing moderators to see staff forum?

Reply #1

Hi Nep and welcome. :)

There are two ways:
1) modify the board and select the moderators member group in the "Allowed Groups" area,
2) modify the member group and select the private board

For 1, go to:
admin > forum > boards > modify boards
and click "modify" next to the private board.

For 2, go to:
admin > members > member groups > edit member groups
and click "modify" next to the moderators group.
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Re: Allowing moderators to see staff forum?

Reply #2

Tried both methods but it doesn't give me the option, only for global mods and regular members for some reason.

Re: Allowing moderators to see staff forum?

Reply #3

Local moderators isn't really the same as other groups. Kinda strange. You probably need to add each board moderator to a special hidden group which grants access to the staff board.

@emanuele group 3, not 2 :)
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Re: Allowing moderators to see staff forum?

Reply #4

Ahh... sorry, misread the post. :P
Well, what live said. ;)
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Re: Allowing moderators to see staff forum?

Reply #5

Tried that, hopefully it will work. Thanks! :)
Last Edit: August 27, 2017, 05:53:44 am by NepScarlet

Re: Allowing moderators to see staff forum?

Reply #6

Doesn't want to work no matter what. This is the permissions systems fault for not allowing local moderators to have their own permissions... hope this is addressed in 1.1

Re: Allowing moderators to see staff forum?

Reply #7

Sorry to say, but if it doesn't work it just means you have missed a step somewhere. ;)

To sum it up:
1) create a member group
2) when creating you can select the boards the member group can see, select the private board here,
3) assign the group as "secondary" to the members you want to give access to the board.

The one and only case this may not work "by default" is if you have turned on "Enable the option to deny board access based on membergroup" in admin > forum > boards > settings and set the private board as "deny" in other member groups (for example to the post-based member groups).
In that case, "deny" wins against "allow" and so it cannot be accessed even if one is allowed.

It is also not really a fault, local moderators are a "special case": it's the only member group that is not really a member group at all [1], because it is a status bound (by default) to a single board and nothing else. It may be tricky to elevate the local moderator member group to a normal member group, because it would then be possible (for example) to assign the group without the member being actually moderator of any board. Yes, there would be way to fix that as well, but considering the status of the local moderators, but it would be basically an U-turn not worth for now.
actually, it's not true, because even normal users is a member group that is not really a member group
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Re: Allowing moderators to see staff forum?

Reply #8

As I can't get it working I'll probably just do staff communication another way :(


Re: Allowing moderators to see staff forum?

Reply #9

Did you check if the option I suggested is on or not?
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