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OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems Started by hartiberlin · · Read 91947 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #15

Quote from: radu81 – Welcome to elkarte!
No offence, but you posted 11 messages in a few hours and it's not easy to provide help in this way. If you solved some of the problems mentioned above, edit or delete those messages.

Have a look at this on how to setup smf, elkarte and openimporter folders:

Hi All,
sorry for posting so many messages here... I only wanted to document my trials and errors over the time I had done it....
Should I better next time edit always only 1 message and add the new content to the buttom ?

;Many thanks @radu81 to point me to some help.
I will try these settings now.
Sorry again, I did not expect very fast resonse, I just wanted to document my steps for later review, if I have to convert another forum to Elkarte too...
Many thanks again.
Regards, Stefan.

Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #16

Quote from: hartiberlin – Sorry again, I did not expect very fast resonse...

Not? You wrote:

Quote from: hartiberlin – Well I guess I am giving up, if I can´t get any help over here....

...after four hours.  :o

Well, next time give @radu81 a little bit more time.  ;)

Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #17

I was a bit in hurry last night and forgot to mention, you need to use elkarte 1.0.10 and not 1.1.1. Once your forum is migrated to 1.0.10 you can update to 1.1.1 version.

So to recap, the steps you need to do are:

  • do a full backup of your SMF forum, files and database. The importer should not overwrite your files or your database but it's always better to have a backup.
  • download a copy of elkarte from  and install it in a new folder of your webiste (let's say You can use a new database, or you can install it into the same database of SMF, but use a different prefix than your SMF installation.  You need to install elkarte in the same database of your SMF forum, but be careful to use different prefixes for tables.
  • once you have elkarte 1.0.x forum installed download the importer from  and unzip the content to a folder, let's say
  • point your web browser to and fill the requested information, than start the importer
  • once you have migrated to 1.0.10 you can update to elkarte 1.1.1. Download the files from ( ) unzip and upload to . Overwrite the existing files.
  • Point your browser to and you will be redirected to the upgrade procedure.

Follow the steps mentioned above, and if you have problems let us know.

p.s. I see you are using a portal on your forum, for elkarte you can use Simple Portal, download it from here . Pay attention, there is a small bug[1] with the Login block, so for now do not use the Login block on your portal
Last Edit: January 19, 2018, 03:25:32 pm by radu81
sorry for my bad english

Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #18

And that reminds me OI should be updated to support 1.1... meh. Always running behind the schedule... :'(
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
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Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #20

Hmm, what Database password must I supply ?
If I gave the password of the old SMF 2.0.15 database, it says:

The database password you entered was incorrect. Please make sure you are using the right password and try it again. If in doubt, use the password from Settings.php.
error_line 314
error_file /www/htdocs/xxxxxx/

When I gave at the importer the password of the Elkarte database , it says:

Sorry, the database connection information used in the specified installation of your forum cannot access the installation of SMF 2.0. This may either mean that the installation doesn't exist, or that the MySQL account used does not have permissions to access it.

The error MySQL gave was: SELECT command denied to user 'dxxx1212'@'localhost' for table 'smf_members''
error_line 351
error_file /www/htdocs/xxxxxx/

Also must I put a slash / in the pathnames or not ?
It comes up with no Slash at the end when starting the importer script.....

I started with Elkarte being installed in the root directory and  the old SMF 2.0.15
was running in a subdirectory  okay, like /oldsmf/   ( I had used the repair_settings.php)
to move it there and get it running okay there....
I did it this way, so I don´t have to move Elkarte from a subdirectory to the root again...
Might this be the error ?
Does it only work, if Elkarte is installed in a subdirectory first ??
Also the Databases were not limited to only localhost access, so
I don´t understand, why the importer script can not access the old database....

if you update the importer, Please also add in the startscreen of the importer the name "Old" or "previous" database
so it gets right to give in the password of the old SMF 2.0.x it is not confusing...
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.


Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #21

Hmm, I did now install it all exactly in the pathes it should be:
old SMF in the root directory
Elkarte in the /elkarte/ directory
and the Importer in the /openimporter/ path

How it says:

The database password you entered was incorrect. Please make sure you are using the right password and try it again. If in doubt, use the password from Settings.php.
error_line 314
error_file /www/htdocs/xxxxxx/

But I checked several times the password from the old SMF and also compared it to the Settings.php file...all correct...
Hmm, why does the importer script not ask for the name of the SMF database ?
Does it try to get it from the Settings.php or where does it get from ??

Regards, Stefan.

Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #22

Same questions on our forum  :D  .. but we offer no importer or upgrade at the current time.
This comes later  ;)

Many are stubborn in relation to the path, a few in relation to the target.
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Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #23

Did you used the same database for SMF and elkarte, or did you used different databases? If the second option you need to be sure that your database user has permission to that database
sorry for my bad english


Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #24

Quote from: hartiberlin – Hmm, what Database password must I supply ?
hmm... in theory it should not ask for any password, it should pick...hmm... maybe not, because even the original converter I'm not really sure how could have worked with two databases provided it was doing strange joins in certain conversions.

The best scenario is: set up the two databases with the same user, then "fake" a Settings.php in the "SMF" folder with the configuration data (i.e. pick the same Settings.php of elkarte and move it there.), then run the importer and it should work. Should.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #25

Hmm, I used 2 databases, as the SMF Database was already there and I created a new database for the Elkarte installation....

Do you mean, I should use the same database SMF is running on during installation of Elkarte then ?
Will the elkarte 1.10 installer just add their tables to the SMF databse then and don´t delete the old tables ??
Can I afterwords delete all tables starting with "smf_ " ??

Many thanks.

Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #26

To make it short: Yes.  ;)

Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #27

Quote from: emanuele –
Quote from: hartiberlin – Hmm, what Database password must I supply ?

The best scenario is: set up the two databases with the same user, then "fake" a Settings.php in the "SMF" folder with the configuration data (i.e. pick the same Settings.php of elkarte and move it there.), then run the importer and it should work. Should.

Hmm, on my hoster I can not setup 2 databases with the same username as the database username is always the databasename itsself...
How can I patch the Importer.php to use the right 2 databases ? in which variables are these values stored ?
It seems the PHP script just can not start the conversion as it does not find the right databases...

Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #28

Okay, many thanks, then I will try now this method now...
First need to backup my SMF database, if something goes wrong with the Elkarte installation in it then....

Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #29

Wow, it worked on the first try ! ;) I am very happy now... Many many thanks for the help...
So just using just ONE database is the way to go..... O:-)  O:-)  O:-)