A forum without a portal is like pizza without cheese
February 10, 2013, 06:45:02 pm
Righty. Let's get real about making this thing usable. How about a portal? Doesn't have to have every bell and whistle under the sun, and would arguably be better if it didn't. Necessary in at least basic form though, in my opinion, because a bog basic forum just doesn't cut it any more. Separate front page (doesn't need standalone or any fancy biz). Only needs front page content laid out straight down the page: much more tolerant of different screen sizes, less bloat. Basic panels: left, right, top, bottom. Basic block types: php, html, bbc, js, user stuff, shoutbox, recent posts, couple of others, whatever. Proper articles system, with categories and menus for such. Bugger all else. IOW, sorta like TP before it went crazy, but with clean code, or like SP but with a real articles system. Thoughts?
Re: A forum without a portal is like pizza without cheese
Reply #4 – February 11, 2013, 03:31:32 am
Yeah yeah yeah yeah. I was actually thinking of it as a mod rather than as part of the default installation. As long as it exists and works, that's ok. Being totally without one and just producing a basic form app would, IMO, not be enough. To put it bluntly, if I want something I can use on the site I run. If I'm not going to get that, I'd be better off looking for other software. However, since I'm not the only perosn who will want a portal anyway........................................
Re: A forum without a portal is like pizza without cheese
Reply #6 – February 11, 2013, 02:48:01 pm
Oh sure. I'm not into letting any old user write blocks. That would be silly. Block setup definitely comes under site administration.
Re: A forum without a portal is like pizza without cheese
Reply #7 – February 11, 2013, 02:49:06 pm
Well the last I heard was that SP was being considered. I haven't really touched TP code lately, except to fix some trivial things. TP's code state is such that it needs quite a bit of re-factoring. It could certainly be fixed or updated much like SMF's => Elkarte has happened. But that means it falls to those who want to do it. It needs a lot of things IMO. So basically it comes down to this with TP and SP. TP - already licensed appropriately. Ready to be integrated, updated, re-factored if people want to. Quite a bit of work IMO. I could certainly make it work with Elk with minimal effort and release it as a mod. SP - will need a lot less re-factoring or fixing the code. But isn't licensed appropriately yet. Not as much work, but how long if at all, will it take to get the appropriate license on it? According to some, lacks in features that would be wanted. I'm ok with either really. But how many Dev's here give enough crap to actually want to work on this? Is there enough interest that this could be done? Ant won't be coding the backend, I'd be interested in helping. But I don't really see other folks wanting to put this on their plate. Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about either. lol
Re: A forum without a portal is like pizza without cheese
Reply #8 – February 11, 2013, 03:02:38 pm
Yeah I don't mind templating it if that's required, but can't do a lot of the back end. Wouldn't be interested in SP unless it's going to have a real articles system added. Without that, it's no use to me. If that is added, then would be fine with working on it.
Re: A forum without a portal is like pizza without cheese
Reply #11 – February 11, 2013, 04:14:29 pm
PHP articles can do a lot more than posts or topics. Custom pages is not the only use for articles either. I'd rather not mix the two. Articles tend to have a lot more customize-able options than a topic. To me, using a topic as an article is like saying I can drive VW Bug instead of a Veyron because they both have wheels and seats... Now in hopes of not getting in a semantics debate about articles vs topics, let's just say people requested it enough to make it worth it. SP had done a fantastic job using topics, but yet their users have always wanted an article system. Whether we understand all the reasons or not, it's what people wanted.