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BadBehavior Started by Joshua Dickerson · · Read 10773 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: BadBehavior

Reply #16

Not related.

Re: BadBehavior

Reply #17

Thanks Joshua I was curious whether I can have such overview of the code while on the server, just to have clue what is happening if there few system administrators

Re: BadBehavior

Reply #18

to ask again, I'll need something like badbehavior log for any change of code by any of the present administrators on the server, is it possible BadBehavior to monitor all the engine changes and send allerts for any by email to the registered sys admins?

I have no clue even how BB works as I havent instaled yet ElkArte, but trying to figure out when I'll ask some friends to help about the coding or administration, how to monitor their changes as sys admins, who did what and when i.e. it would be awesome if there is email alert for any change on this level for those that are part of the sys crew ...

I am not sure what other third party app can be at hand for this, as I can grasp this should be some pipeline in this direction ... am I wrong?

Re: BadBehavior

Reply #19

Again, it is a default feature in ElkArte. And this topic is about rewriting it. Do open your own thread for your specific issues, if any @omBre.