Making themes for ElkArte
..turned out to be a not-so-enjoyable experience....
I have wrestled with making one of my older themes - Coral - into Elkarte format past week, taking the route most theme developers would do I'd expect: going from scratch, slowly building it up by changing the default elkarte theme without looking at past SMF theme code. In one word: time-consuming. I know SMF 2.0 is a beast to adjust to your own, changing lots of styles to get the look you want, but IMHO elkarte is even harder. The styles are more complex now, lots a special effects, like box-shadow and text-shadow(seriously?), making it a lenghty affair just to take those away and still look nice.
I guess i'll get there in the end, just noticed removing some unwanted styles made other areas look crashed..oh well, but IMO any development out from SMF 2 should make the theme-making process easier. You will not have many new and fresh themes by taking this route, that i am quite certain of lol, but one can hope of course. Color variations will be abundant though, as it is with SMF 2.0.
Anyways, just a small(and somewhat negative I'll admit) intial review of elkarte theme making process.
Re: Making themes for ElkArte
Reply #4 –
Well, the css is mostly the same as SMF 2.1 was.
I think Spuds committed some kind of basic cleanup a while ago and that's all.
The problem with different areas broken is probably the same that is present in 2.1: the theme is basically not finished, just few templates were been re-worked (as far as I understood from Ant).