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[ADDON] Levertine Gallery Started by Spuds · · Read 111322 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #90

Quote from: Arantor – At this stage I can't help but feel that the name possibly should be changed seeing how it was originally named after an intended SMF fork...

A lever is a type of simple machine, and a tine is the prong of a fork... but if you're happy with the name, keep it :P

Well that's a let down.. I thought it was named after Levertine, the Flaming Sword of the Norse God Tyr, who lost it (and his hand - the origin of the term "wolf-joint" of the wrist) to the wolf Fenrir while it was being subdued by the other Gods (omitted from the Prose Edda, but alluded to in the earlier Poetic Edda in the original text of the Codex Regius. although sometimes interpreted to reference the sword of Víðarr, Odin's son, who uses it to avenge Odin's death to Fenrir at the battle of Ragnarök.

It was told to be the equal to Thor's Hammer until it was lost and believed ended up in Niflheim, secreted away by the dragon  Nidhug into the spring Hvergelmir, which causes it to boil, and which Nidhug remained ever vigilant over.

But, tang on a simple tool? Well, OK..

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #91

No problem  for the name, choose the one that fits best. If the word "levertine" has no sense to be used in Elkarte I propose something simple like "Elkarte Media" or "Elkarte Gallery" or "ELK Media Gallery" or "ElkGallery", etc .... I hope Arantor is agree with that,

I was working on the italian translation of this add-on and I see there is a part in the gallery that should display the latest news from I don't know what @Arantor‍ intend to do with that domain, but now there is nothing there. If the site won't be updated I guess that part "News from could be removed from the add-on and translations.
sorry for my bad english

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #92

Well, I still own the domain but for some reason it's throwing 500s and since there's been no updates on it in forever, there's probably not a lot of reason to have it call 'home' for news.

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #93

I'd have to double check but I'm pretty sure I disabled the call home for news.  What I should do is change it, like I did for SP, to grab the latest release info from github.

No idea on the name,  Along the lines of ElkArte then it could be ElkArte Galeria, but I'm fine with Levertine.


Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #94

Here the french files for this great addon.

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #95

Well, it's a fine piece of work. Unfortunately the import from Aeva 1.4 does not work. On one of my test sites I have an Aeva gallery with 84 categories with a total of almost 4000 images. Took almost two hours, only to find that while the categories were transferred correctly (even with subdirectories), the content was not.

Haven't had the time to read into the process yet. Therefore the simple question: Does anyone have a clue what could have gone wrong?

The server is running the latest Apache with PHP74, MariaDB 10.3. The test forum is a fresh import from SMF 2.0.19 to EA 1.1.18. (See OpenImporter)
▬|████|▬ This is a Nudelholz! Take it und hau it on the Kopp of a bekloppt Person .... to give you a better Gefühl than vorher.

ElkArte 1.1.x & TP on Apache2.4.48, PHP 8.0.8 FPM

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #96

I originally wrote it several years ago, but it was against the last version of Aeva (2.0?) rather than any older version.

The thing is, the importer was written to assume it had all the files in the local directory (as if you’d literally just uninstalled Aeva and installed LevGal) so if you don’t have the lgal_items folder in the same place on the new site, it probably won’t work correctly. That said I don’t know if Spuds reworked the importer stuff, I’m just going off my original memories of implementation… and even that is hazy now, winter 2014 was a loooooong time ago.

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #97

On the second try, it worked. As soon as you do it right, it works.  :D

The problem was, I had already copied the mgal files to the ELK subfolder and also adjusted the prefix of the Aeva tables in the database, but I had not changed the paths in the Aeva settings.  ::)

I must say though, after first looking over it, that the levertine gallery storage system seems to be extremely different from the Aeva system. Very cryptic. Also the space requirement has increased from 375MB to 450MB.  :o
▬|████|▬ This is a Nudelholz! Take it und hau it on the Kopp of a bekloppt Person .... to give you a better Gefühl than vorher.

ElkArte 1.1.x & TP on Apache2.4.48, PHP 8.0.8 FPM

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #98

Yes, the storage system is very different. Mostly this is for scalability purposes, most FTP clients get upset if you ask them to handle folders with more than 2000 files in them, which doesn’t seem like a particularly large album when you factor in thumbnails and previews, LevGal was originally tested with half a million files in it, including albums with far more than 2000 items in, just to ensure that FTP would still work.

The way it works splits the files roughly evenly between the folders rather than making albums be folders. It’s the same system that MediaWiki (the software Wikipedia uses) to handle uploads.

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #99

Quoteand even that is hazy now, winter 2014 was a loooooong time ago.
Heck I did this 10 months ago and can't remember as much as you can from 2014 LOL 

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #100

Formal German language files for the Levertine Gallery. :)

Installable via the package manager. 8)
Last Edit: February 15, 2022, 11:30:02 am by McFly
▬|████|▬ This is a Nudelholz! Take it und hau it on the Kopp of a bekloppt Person .... to give you a better Gefühl than vorher.

ElkArte 1.1.x & TP on Apache2.4.48, PHP 8.0.8 FPM

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #101

Awesome, thank you!

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #102

I just added all the translations to the first post of this topic
sorry for my bad english

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #103

Hello, I have a couple questions.

I have installed Levertine Gallery on SMF 2.0.19. It works great but there are a couple of issues. On the video viewing page, the item information "Posted By" bit is shifted completely out of the frame. It's not a big deal it just looks odd. The other issue is the bulk uploader. When I click on it, I get a message that I don't have permission to use it, I'm the admin and nobody has permission to add videos except for me. I looked through the Levertine perms but don't see anywhere that I should have to change anything for admin.

Thank you, I greatly appreciate the mod!

Code: [Select]

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #104

Um… this is the ElkArte forum, for supporting the ElkArte version of things, not the SMF version?