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German language files (informal) for 1.1.9 Started by Ruth · · Read 59075 times 0 Members and 4 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

German language files (informal) for 1.1.9


On my Test Forum I uploaded the parcel "ElkArte Forum German translation 1.1.3" now.
All files tell on the top version 1.1 

Is this correct? This are the newest versions of language files?
I am wondering, because if I remember well, then @Jorin and me already had been working years ago on a couple of files like for example LikePosts.german.php. But this and other files and strings are still in english.

I would like to translate the new strings and the language files, which are completly new.
I started with index.german.php and translated a few new strings there.

This are old strings on line 83 and 84. But the "Home" (Portal) on line 83 does not react anymore?

Code: [Select]
$txt['home'] = 'Home';
$txt['community'] = 'Community';

Code: [Select]
$txt['home'] = 'Portal';
$txt['community'] = 'Forum';

I changed it this way, after installing the portal but i still have "Forum" there twice.


Do i have to create the name for this Portal-Button somewhere else?

Re: German language files (informal) for 1.1.9

Reply #1

Those portal strings are part of SimplePortals language file ... see /languages/german/SPortal.german.php they are not part of ElkArte core.

The language files all say 1.1 and TBH I'm not sure why those are not updated, like the source files, to reflect when there were changes.   Maybe they should be?  I'm really not familiar with the translation process on Transifex so I'm really not much help in this area  :embarrassed:

Re: German language files (informal) for 1.1.9

Reply #2

Lol....yes, Spuds. I totally forgot about that. Those strings are in the language files of SimplePortal.

Jorin sent me today all his german language files he is using on his forum with 1.1.8. :smiley:
This will help me a lot for comparing, which files and strings are new for 1.1.9.

I will give all files a try on my testforum, after controlling and translating new parts.

Shall I upload the new german language files for 1.1.9 here in this topic then?

Re: German language files (informal) for 1.1.9

Reply #4

I think, this two 10 files are done now.

There had been a lot of new strings in index.german.php without translation yet.
And this like-stats had been very difficult to translate because of the english grammar.  :tongue:

There will be a lot of strings in the admin file as well. I will start this one tomorrow.

Edit: I changed LikePosts.german.php again. I think, this one is the best solution so far.
Some strings had been missing in index.german.php. I added them.

Re: German language files (informal) for 1.1.9

Reply #5

Someone downloaded this files already.

It might be, that I do some changings again, if there is a mistake or if I find a better way to translate things.
I delete and upload this file again then.

I am still not satisfied with the translation of the like-stats, for example.
LikePosts.german.php I exchanged 4 times now so far.

Edit: Here some more files:

Re: German language files (informal) for 1.1.9

Reply #6

Quote from: Ruth –
And this like-stats had been very difficult to translate because of the english grammar.  :tongue:

I feel your pain, Ruth. English is very dynamic - a third of the words I learned in school and growing up are now verboten, and another third have had the meanings changed in the present day vernacular (never mind turning nouns into verbs and pronouns into fantasies, or if you put the word "social" in front of any other word it reverses the meaning of that word, etc. ), plus another bunch are brand new in the last few years - more and more I hear people write and talk in what looks and sounds like English but makes absolutely no sense to me, either.  For example I have no idea what being gaslighted or trolled even means, never mind how they would translate into German. But I applaud your effort, and think it would be interesting to see how it all translates back into "english'.. :smirk:

cliff warning.jpg

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: German language files (informal) for 1.1.9

Reply #7

And the like stats code (and language strings) was written by someone from Turkey:flag_tr:  !!

Re: German language files (informal) for 1.1.9

Reply #8 this case I am very happy, that I needed not to translate turkish. Lol

I had english lessions in school for 8 (!) years, but this just helped for a basic knowledge. It is sometimes very hard for me to follow an english conversation or to understand the context of meaning in an english text.

And for translations - besides the very different grammar, which is causing trouble very often, if a single string is used in another context as well:

The english language has a lot more words and expressions than the german language. Some english words dont even exist in german. As an example: There is no proper, single, nice and short word for "custom", "user" or "like" in german. To tell exactly the same in german you need to use or to create a very long and complicated word. Or you would need to use a few words or a sentence instead of a single word. Thats not good for the layout on forum.

One of the buttons in the like stats is called "most liked members". If I would translate this directly and short into german, it might lead to a misunderstandment. German people would guess, this means "favourite members" or "most beloved members". Lol. A correct german translation of this button would have caused a very wide button with a lot of long (and ugly) words on it. So I made things a bit different there and also in other german language files.

Here some more files....

Re: German language files (informal) for 1.1.9

Reply #9

"Misunderstandment"  - I love it! ( understated misunderstanding? ) I'm going to have to remember that word, it's perfect for the phenomenon.. You won't find it in any English dictionary... yet.
Congratulations Ruth..  you get a like for that..

I think the term is "Pogo-ism" (after an old comic series where various characters used made-up words exquisitely concatenated from two or three other words to produce a word sounding similar to and gathering meaning from yet another word .. one of my personal favorites is 'innermutant" (vis-a-vis 'intermittent').

Some examples of 'misunderstandments' :

I had two co-workers, one a Thai engineer, the other an Armenian technician, and listening to them try to communicate with each other in a language foreign to both of them was hilarious. For the Armenian, the word "transistor", for example, was generic, and meant any electronic component. So he would tell the engineer a problem with a "transistor" and the Thai would say "That is capacitor", the tech would reply "Yes, transistor".. No! Capacitor!" and in a few moments  one would use another "generic" English word that doesn't translate the same in both languages, invariably offensive in one, and soon they'd be screaming at each other.   :angry:  :tongue:

Another - The story goes that the Arapaho and Apache 'Indians" (Native American tribes) hated each other. Pretty much boiled down to a phrase that sounded the same in both dialects "Yea-ta-hey" - that was a greeting in Arapaho, but an insult in Apache.  Chance encounters between hunting parties turned ugly quick, each wondering why the other was so hostile.. ("I don't know what happened, I said 'Hello' and he hit me with a club! It went downhill from there...")

Last and certainly not least.. my wife and I have been together for 43 years, in spite of the fact that we both miscommunicate in the same language..
Last Edit: March 06, 2023, 08:40:29 am by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: German language files (informal) for 1.1.9

Reply #11

I am good with creating new words - in each language.
I think, I meant misunderstanding.... "Missverständnis"...if you get someone wrong. :wink:
Last Edit: March 06, 2023, 09:04:01 am by Ruth

Re: German language files (informal) for 1.1.9

Reply #12

Quote from: Ruth – I am still not satisfied with the translation of the like-stats, for example.
I  understand you very well. Translating the Likes and the Likes stats was probably the worst part to translate in Elkarte (in italian). Some phrases just doesn't sound well translated in italian, while in english they are so simple. I remember I looked at other forum software, facebook, and other social... and imho that part of the italian translation is still not perfect today.

Quote from: Spuds – And the like stats code (and language strings) was written by someone from Turkey:flag_tr:  !!
Didn't knew that, but I remember I asked for some modifications of the english files, and that part was improved, otherwise it was impossible to translate.
sorry for my bad english

Re: German language files (informal) for 1.1.9

Reply #13

Yes, Radu... this like stats are not easy to translate at all.
But i think, it is a very nice feature and it works well.
Some of my members will love it - so it was worth the efford. :smiley:

Re: German language files (informal) for 1.1.9

Reply #14

Quote from: Ruth – One of the buttons in the like stats is called "most liked members".
Even in English, that can be interpreted a few ways.  The only reason it works here is that its in context with the rest of the stats buttons.

I have no qualms in changing that to something that is easier to translate (in 2.0) ... maybe drop the work member and just have it as Most Likes Received / Most Likes Given or Most Helpful and Most Thankful or ....