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Could an individual account opt out of receiving moderation report emails? Started by CynthiaLadner · · Read 4821 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Could an individual account opt out of receiving moderation report emails?

Could an individual account opt out of receiving moderation report emails? A moderator on our platform has expressed concern about being overwhelmed with report messages. Additionally, it would be useful if the system only reported the first instance of a post being flagged, rather than every subsequent report.

Re: Could an individual account opt out of receiving moderation report emails?

Reply #1


I think, if this moderator will hide his email in his account settings, he won't get any reports by email anymore?
But also noone could contact him by email maybe not this, what he wants.

Re: Could an individual account opt out of receiving moderation report emails?

Reply #2

One can opt out from being moderator is one of the way. :wink:

Or may be, specify one to only being a moderator to certain board, instead of global? But I never tested this.

Re: Could an individual account opt out of receiving moderation report emails?

Reply #3

Lots of folks don't realize the job of moderator is to guide/train the users on board policy.  For a relatively new forum, moderating can be drinking from a firehose at first, but should improve quickly. If it doesn't, you either need a new moderator, or new users, or new policies.  Not everyone has the temperament and skill-set to be a good moderator.

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //


Re: Could an individual account opt out of receiving moderation report emails?

Reply #4

I have my email adress hidden on my forums, :wink:  because I would not like at all to receive a lot of emails a day. So the only email I will get is, if one of my Co-Admins would edit the index.php, as an example.

Members can contact me per PM, if they need my help and if they don't want to write openly on forum, what they mostly do. I am online every day on forum and won't miss anything, what is happening there.

I think, if a moderator is online a lot on forum, this emails are not really needed. He will see everything on forum and there is also the moderator center, he can check for everything he has to do as a moderator.
Last Edit: May 06, 2023, 02:43:51 pm by Ruth