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Some information required Started by Aafaque Ehsen · · Read 2595 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Some information required

Greetings from Pakistan:

First things first.  I am totally at sea so far as software is concerned.

That said:

I have been running Forums on the Internet since May 2010.

I have my own domain So far as I can say, my hosting company is very good. I don't the problems I am going to talk about have anything to so with my hosting company.

I have used SMF (Simple Machines Forums) software for many years. Over the years the quality and functionality of the software and add-ons (Modifications) thereto has gone down critically.

I used the latest Windows 10 Pro OS, fully updated.

I recently set up an ElkArte Forum at

I have tried many times to upload a small .jpg file which I use as the header at Forums. This file does not show up on the Forums Pages.

I also use News Faders extensively. These show up at top right in the SMF Forums, above the main body of the page. I have not been able to find such a provision in the ElkArte software. 

Most of my Forums are image and video rich. One of the main reasons I want to switch from SMF to another Forums software is because the video embedding modification available for SMF isn't compatible with WIn10 (at least it does NOT work with my Forums, even after trying everything their support people have been able to suggest, including clean re-installs.)

I am a semi-retired perception management practitioner. The Forums I propose to set up will be essentially educational, and extensively feature photos and videos. They will be more or less subject specific, pertaining to the sciences, humanities, and liberal arts. Core content will be entire books, some of them running into several thousand pages.

In the case of books, we convert .pdf files into .jpg images, 1 image to a post, 15 images to a page, 15 pages to a topic. In the case of heavier files, we split topics into parts. A sample of an uploaded multi-volume encyclopedia here:,1204.0.html

This section of that Forum is accessible to registered Members only. Anyone desirous of accessing the section may login with the following details:

UID: FromElkArte
PW: 1from2Elk3Arte4.5%Visitor

These details will work for 7 days, after which this UID will not function.

The number of Forums I propose to set up maybe a dozen initially,  may exceed this number later on.
Kindly advise:

1.   Why isn’t my site logo image not showing up.
2.   Where may I find a video player compatible with ElkArte. I do not want to embed YouTube or some other video site links.
3.   The possibility and procedure of using the ElkArte Open Importer for converting an existing SMF Forum to an Elk Arte Forum.
4.   Where can I find a Downloads System for ElkArte (something like the Downloads System at SMF)
5.      Some way to increase the depth of the News header if positioning the News Fader at top right is not possible.
6.   Any other advice that may help me in hassle-free running of the Forums.

I am running ElkArte 1.0.9

Kind regards.

Re: Some information required

Reply #1

Hi and welcome.

Sorry if I'm going to be fast, but it's rather late here (1:30 AM) and I really need some sleep...

Quote from: Aafaque Ehsen – 1.   Why isn’t my site logo image not showing up.
AFAICT, not a single image on your domain works in the /asf/ directory.
Could be you have some rule in the htaccess or equivalent with some a bit too aggressive code to prevent hotlinking? Wild guess.

Quote from: Aafaque Ehsen – 3.   The possibility and procedure of using the ElkArte Open Importer for converting an existing SMF Forum to an Elk Arte Forum.
Should be in one of the pinned topics in the OI board... I seem to remember, but we all know my memory is absolutely unreliable.

Quote from: Aafaque Ehsen – 4.   Where can I find a Downloads System for ElkArte (something like the Downloads System at SMF)
I don't think there is one.

Quote from: Aafaque Ehsen – 5.      Some way to increase the depth of the News header if positioning the News Fader at top right is not possible.
It should be controlled by CSS, #news_line, #news have a height, increase it.

Quote from: Aafaque Ehsen – 6.   Any other advice that may help me in hassle-free running of the Forums.
I've never seen anything hassle-free... not a single time.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Some information required

Reply #2

I truly agree with you as a former Head Admin of an SMF forum for over 5 years with over 10,000 members anything can go wrong will go wrong. The reason I came to ElkArte Community from SMF is that my forum kept locking me out lol.

Re: Some information required

Reply #3

Quote4.   Where can I find a Downloads System for ElkArte (something like the Downloads System at SMF)

I have never used this addon so cannot comment on it.
LiveGallery - Simple gallery addon for ElkArte