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Search engine friendly URLs (the current implementation) Started by emanuele · · Read 11575 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Search engine friendly URLs (the current implementation)

Reply #15

=waste of time

like you said, not what the user expects, no different to an indexer, not useful to the end user as a better perma link.  Removing the option from the ACP (leaving it in the code to support the depreciated option and not break links) makes sense and adding proper user friendly links in ?.?

Re: Search engine friendly URLs (the current implementation)

Reply #16

If I may request is the WordPress system for permalink formatting, so the admin can use the presets permalink or their own formatting.

But personally based on using ElkArte without any SEF url there is no difference in Google so I just want something simple.  If possible in the future: for thread or topic url. for board url.
It's simple and shorter.
192.MY.ID: Forum ISP Indonesia.

Re: Search engine friendly URLs (the current implementation)

Reply #17

If I am not mistaken, there will always be index.php or at least a simple ?, right?

Re: Search engine friendly URLs (the current implementation)

Reply #18

Not necessarily.
IIRC there ar few places that don't play nice with urls without index.php, but I'm confident it can be fixed.

...anyway, this is not the topic to discuss the possible implementation of semantic url in Elk, that one is... actually there are so many that there isn't any. LOL
Feel free to open a new one in feature discussion, but that one should be left alone, it's purpose is fulfilled. :P
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Search engine friendly URLs (the current implementation)

Reply #19

The sooner, the better. Your plan is solid. We can discuss implementation and issues of the new feature in another post