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What is it like to be a project manager? Started by Chara from Undertale · · Read 5051 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

What is it like to be a project manager?

Must be nice. I think I wanna give it a shot! :)

Re: What is it like to be a project manager?

Reply #1

(double post) Anyone agree that I should be a project manager? ;D

Re: What is it like to be a project manager?

Reply #2

I don't like project management but I love product management. Huge difference. Look into what it means to be a PM.

Re: What is it like to be a project manager?

Reply #3

I wanna be a project manager ;)


Re: What is it like to be a project manager?

Reply #4

Is this a real question?

If you want to start a project, do it. But maybe an unofficial ElkArte support forum isn't the best choice.  ;)

My seven golden rules:

1. Be sure there are not too many equal projects right now (which can be difficult), so that you have a chance.  ;)
2. Be sure you are willing to spend hours and hours and hours of your spare time for this project of yours.
3. Be sure you are willing to wait weeks or months for the project to be successful, this can take a lot of time in the beginning.
4. Be sure to have a plan, nothing's more awkward then a project manager who doesn't know what he wants (I made this experience with the successor of a project of my own in the past). Don't change your theme too often, as a lot of others do.
5. Choose a good, clean theme which has no errors.
6. Don't make too many categories and boards at first, start simple and clean.
7. Use strict guidelines for your team*, maybe write some articles and manuals for your team too. Very helpful! And be careful which person you appoint to it.

Good luck!  :)

*I let Google translate my team guidelines for you, as an example:

QuoteTeam members have a responsible role in the forum. They must act with the necessary seriousness and should not see their task as a gimmick! Also the work in the team demands a lot of time. Any holidays or longer absences are to be announced a few days in advance, if not unpredictable.

Team members are primarily responsible for compliance with the rules in the Forum. They are also responsible for problems among the members, as well as contact persons for problems with the page. If they themselves are unsure about the answer to a question, first of all they must be consulted internally.

All team members have equal rights, but the following hierarchy within the forum applies:

1. Administration
2. Global Moderator
3. Boardmoderator
4. Member
5. Guest

Team members are suggested from the ranks of normal members. A member of the administration informs the new team member of the team by means of a personal message and refers to the internal boards for team members. In addition, the new team member will be presented in the appropriate public area.

New ideas and suggestions as well as criticism are always welcome, as long as there are really constructive thoughts.

Behavioral rules for team members

In order to ensure a unified and cohesive presence as a team, team members must stick to the following points:

1. Absolutely first read the internal contributions for team members!

2. Team members are not gods. Any behavior that is expressed by unjustified behavior towards our members can not and will not be tolerated internally.

3. The task of a team member is primarily to ensure compliance with the behavior of the members, as well as to ensure that our members act reasonably with respect to others. On one-time violations of the rules must be pointed out in a friendly tone.

4. In the case of a repeated violation of a member, recognizable stubbornness of the same, and other abnormalities (for example, the conflicting signature), the misconduct and possible reactions must first be discussed internally. After this, the member can be warned (via the foreneigene function).

5. When moving themes created in non-matching boards, the software's hint must be set when moving.

6. Team members are generally a sign for our forum. They must always behave exemplary and pay attention to correct spelling.

7. Team members are contact persons for our members in their problems in the forum in general and with other members in particular. Complaints of one member about the behavior of another are to be appeased objectively and in a friendly tone.

8. All internal discussions, especially when it comes to members and their behavior, please also remain internal and should not be carried outside.

Re: What is it like to be a project manager?

Reply #5

IOW, it's not as easy as choosing between butterscotch or cinnamon :D
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Re: What is it like to be a project manager?

Reply #6

Quote from: live627 – IOW, it's not as easy as choosing between butterscotch or cinnamon :D

Why on earth would you do that?  Try 'em both!  Haha! 

Re: What is it like to be a project manager?

Reply #8

Quote from: Jorin – Is this a real question?

If you want to start a project, do it. But maybe an unofficial ElkArte support forum isn't the best choice.  ;)

My seven golden rules:

1. Be sure there are not too many equal projects right now (which can be difficult), so that you have a chance.  ;)
2. Be sure you are willing to spend hours and hours and hours of your spare time for this project of yours.
3. Be sure you are willing to wait weeks or months for the project to be successful, this can take a lot of time in the beginning.
4. Be sure to have a plan, nothing's more awkward then a project manager who doesn't know what he wants (I made this experience with the successor of a project of my own in the past). Don't change your theme too often, as a lot of others do.
5. Choose a good, clean theme which has no errors.
6. Don't make too many categories and boards at first, start simple and clean.
7. Use strict guidelines for your team*, maybe write some articles and manuals for your team too. Very helpful! And be careful which person you appoint to it.

Good luck!  :)

*I let Google translate my team guidelines for you, as an example:

QuoteTeam members have a responsible role in the forum. They must act with the necessary seriousness and should not see their task as a gimmick! Also the work in the team demands a lot of time. Any holidays or longer absences are to be announced a few days in advance, if not unpredictable.

Team members are primarily responsible for compliance with the rules in the Forum. They are also responsible for problems among the members, as well as contact persons for problems with the page. If they themselves are unsure about the answer to a question, first of all they must be consulted internally.

All team members have equal rights, but the following hierarchy within the forum applies:

1. Administration
2. Global Moderator
3. Boardmoderator
4. Member
5. Guest

Team members are suggested from the ranks of normal members. A member of the administration informs the new team member of the team by means of a personal message and refers to the internal boards for team members. In addition, the new team member will be presented in the appropriate public area.

New ideas and suggestions as well as criticism are always welcome, as long as there are really constructive thoughts.

Behavioral rules for team members

In order to ensure a unified and cohesive presence as a team, team members must stick to the following points:

1. Absolutely first read the internal contributions for team members!

2. Team members are not gods. Any behavior that is expressed by unjustified behavior towards our members can not and will not be tolerated internally.

3. The task of a team member is primarily to ensure compliance with the behavior of the members, as well as to ensure that our members act reasonably with respect to others. On one-time violations of the rules must be pointed out in a friendly tone.

4. In the case of a repeated violation of a member, recognizable stubbornness of the same, and other abnormalities (for example, the conflicting signature), the misconduct and possible reactions must first be discussed internally. After this, the member can be warned (via the foreneigene function).

5. When moving themes created in non-matching boards, the software's hint must be set when moving.

6. Team members are generally a sign for our forum. They must always behave exemplary and pay attention to correct spelling.

7. Team members are contact persons for our members in their problems in the forum in general and with other members in particular. Complaints of one member about the behavior of another are to be appeased objectively and in a friendly tone.

8. All internal discussions, especially when it comes to members and their behavior, please also remain internal and should not be carried outside.
(double trouble post) Also, I really wanna be a project manager of this forum. I want to work VERY HARD on ElkArte ;D