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Transifex - Search a translated phrase in all files Started by radu81 · · Read 5481 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Transifex - Search a translated phrase in all files

is there a way in Transifex to search in all files a translated phrase or a translated word?
Sometimes I find some translated text in Elkarte which is not properly translated and I don't know exactly in which file is that text

thank you in advance
sorry for my bad english

Re: Transifex - Search a translated phrase in all files

Reply #1

there is one option, you can go to TF, under EklArte click on Languages and choose your language, then above list of files click on translate:

and then below is All resources link:

 then you can enter in search bar whatever you want and it will search you text in all files :)

Re: Transifex - Search a translated phrase in all files

Reply #2

Thanks for your answer, in the meantime I  found it, didn't see the the "All resources" option ;)

After that you can see in which file is the translated, just need to click Details
sorry for my bad english