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Where is the code controlling the header? Started by 8v_Chris · · Read 1377 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Where is the code controlling the header?

I would like to add a pair of thumbnails that will link to various social media profiles and would like to place them in the header beside the search bar. Which file should I be looking at to this? I was expecting to find a header.php the same as PHPBB as thats my background but can't seem to find the right file. Thanks!

Re: Where is the code controlling the header?

Reply #1


Alternatively, there are a couple of existing addons that could be used to achieve this as well. Simple Ads, while geared toward displaying ads obviously, simply injects code at the selected location. And it's hook based to boot, so "changes" survive upgrades gracefully. Or, Simple Portal opens a whole new world for modding a site. Just a couple of things to consider. ;)