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Planning to create a Gallery Plugin Started by Wizard · · Read 4030 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Planning to create a Gallery Plugin

Team AF is planning to build a gallery plugin for ElkArte. Just wondering what the concept would be ? What is your idea of having a gallery in ElkArte ?

Re: Planning to create a Gallery Plugin

Reply #1

How about something like this

Quite a lot of scripts. Would be fun to port one into ElkArte
Last Edit: October 21, 2015, 03:45:07 pm by Wizard

Re: Planning to create a Gallery Plugin

Reply #3

Not to be rude, but going by all of your support posts, I don't think you have the knowledge to create such a plugin as of yet. You need to learn a lot more about programming. Good luck, but please don't try to get the developers to help you on every aspect of it.

Re: Planning to create a Gallery Plugin

Reply #4

I do not know what is with some of you guys. First, I do not have an Elk board. I do all these just to support an open source project. So do not call it support. I agree, I am not a pro. But who is ? I never force anyone to help me and I will not allow anyone to teach me what I should post of ElkArte community unless the moderators seems fit to warn me of spam posts.

Re: Planning to create a Gallery Plugin

Reply #5

I'm pretty sure Joshua doesn't want to criticize you, it's just a consideration: a gallery is a quite demanding project, almost comparable to ElkArte itself (depending how you plan on approaching it).
Considering you are learning php, maybe smaller projects could be more effective and help you improve your php and mysql skills in preparation for the gallery, but of course you are free to approach any project you want. ;)

Oh, last note: a gallery requires also some knowledge of security-related concepts, not many, but doing it "wrong" will open the door to nasty people, so pay attention how you handle things in your code.
Anyway, rest assured that when the time comes, I'll be watching the code carefully.
 emanuele is quite picky on this aspect. O:-)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Planning to create a Gallery Plugin

Reply #6

I was thinking of finding a way to use ElkArte login in a safe gallery script. Will that cause issues ? Something like a bridge.

Re: Planning to create a Gallery Plugin

Reply #7

Exactly, it's no small undertaking. I recommend trying to do smaller things first. Immerse yourself in Elkarte. Maybe even fix a few bugs that lay around. That's a much better way to help and to learn than to try something this large.

I am just observing your questions and they lead me to believe that you'll be asking a lot more questions which you should definitely know before you try doing this. Things that you should be learning on your own by reading and writing code. I don't want to deter you, because I think you have a lot of motivation and potential, but I don't want you to go down a rabbit hole.

Re: Planning to create a Gallery Plugin

Reply #8

It's ok. :)

Re: Planning to create a Gallery Plugin

Reply #9

You can use Coppermine Gallery, there is a topic where Spuds explain how to integrate it. I tested in localhost and  worked fine. You could try to make a new template for it similar with the template you are doing now ;) imo it will be much easier rather than create an addon from scratch
sorry for my bad english

Re: Planning to create a Gallery Plugin

Reply #10

Certainly. That's what I had in mind :)