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[ADDON] Fancybox Started by Spuds · · Read 96874 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: [ADDON] Fancybox

Reply #30

I replaced the file. I think it got rid of the errors in the ACP but I still can't use attachments if Fancybox is enabled.

Re: [ADDON] Fancybox

Reply #31

I can see that the JS on the page is broken ... I thought that would fix it.

Could you post a screen shot of your settings for fancybox, something is causing the JS to be empty.

Re: [ADDON] Fancybox

Reply #33

Well those look fine, and I set my test site to the same and the JS is output correctly ... on yours it outputting a 0 for some reason, still trying to figure that out.

Re: [ADDON] Fancybox

Reply #34

If it makes any difference I have the following addons installed:

Re: [ADDON] Fancybox

Reply #35

OMG, I'm more stupid then I thought .. please try this one

Re: [ADDON] Fancybox

Reply #36

SUCCESS!!! Seems to be working now. Thank You!!!

Re: [ADDON] Fancybox

Reply #37

OK another question...are the controls for Fancybox supposed to look like this? I have no idea what those buttons do.

Re: [ADDON] Fancybox

Reply #38

Maybe the css is not loading? Might have to copy some files to your custom theme (just a guess)

But no the controls should be on top or inside the box,

The only thing that goes below would be the other post thumbnails but only if you have that enabled

Re: [ADDON] Fancybox

Reply #39

Nope not the css, just went to the site and its loading that .. but its not finding the /helpers sub directory under fancybox.  Make sure all the files are ... should be under /scripts/fancybox/helpers

ETA: its the entire /scripts/fancybox directory thats missing under the /themes/blue ... just copy it from the default theme dir and you should be fine.

Re: [ADDON] Fancybox

Reply #40

Gotcha. That fixed it. Thanks again.

Re: [ADDON] Fancybox

Reply #41


thumbnail  image  code problem is there a solution

It does not open big picture thumbnail opens

Code: [Select]
sorry for my bad english

Re: [ADDON] Fancybox

Reply #42

It should work with postimg (although they sure make it difficult) ... let me check with the link you posted so I can see what is going on.

Re: [ADDON] Fancybox

Reply #43

Humm .. I just tried that link on my local install and it worked as expected.

postimg requires us to use a proxy to get the image.  To do this there should be a file fb4elk_proxy.php in the root of your install (the addon should do this).  Make sure that file has the same permissions as the rest of your php files.    Let me know if that is missing.

Re: [ADDON] Fancybox

Reply #44


fb4elk_proxy.php there are in the main directory, permissions (chmod)  666

The same problem applies to the server where the forum is installed

It does not open big picture thumbnail opens
Code: [Select]
sorry for my bad english