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[ADDON] Tabbed smiley Started by emanuele · · Read 63390 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

[ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Tabbed Smiley v0.1.1
Tabbed Smiley is the first mod I released for SMF and (at the time) the most tricky. Now I rewrote it to work with SCEditor and ElkArte in just few lines of code. :D
At the moment it's in the most basic form, it doesn't even have support for localization that will be added in the future.

Future development:
  • Of course localization
  • better admin interface and configuration
  • Restore all the features including "tabbify" everything on the post screen (including subject, icons, bbcode, attachments and options... unless for 1.1 there is consensus on a radical change of the post interface :P)

o This ElkArte Addon is subject to the terms of the BSD "3-clause" license. You can obtain a copy of the License at

Thanks to Sam Clarke for creating SCEditor! :D

Repository / Download

Change log

  • 0.1.0 - Complete rewrite for ElkArte and SCEditor - added only basic features
  • 0.1.1 - Added support for ElkArte 1.0.1 (ElkArte 1.0 is no more supported)
Last Edit: October 17, 2014, 01:10:29 pm by emanuele
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Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #1

Coolness ... editor plugins :D

I think you are missing the modifications.xml file in the repo? (and your repo link above should have tree/elk  O:-) )

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #2

Well, the first time I missed the css and the js, then I forgot to actually modify the modification.xml, and finally I forgot to add the xml file... O:-)

It's too late. lol
Thanks! ;D

Yep! :D
For me it's always a bit difficult find out how to do any, because javascript is not my friend lol, but then copying what we already have around (drafts and mentions mainly) it's usually "easy".
And compared to the original SMF mod, it's a dream being able to just have two very minor file edits (actually one could be avoided using hooks, though it would require several hooks to catch all the actions where the editor is used, and it still wouldn't load on custom pages, so the file edit still make sense <= i.e. Elk needs a hook for the editor :P).
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Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #3

Quote from: Lars – Today I've installed the addon "Tabbed Smileys". There are three tabs now.
Where can I change the words Base, Tab 1 and Tab 2 in others?
As I wrote above it doesn't support localization yet, so the only thing you can do is replace it in tabbedSmiley.js:
Code: [Select]
'Base', 'active'));
Code: [Select]
'Tab ' + count
Bugs creator.
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Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #4

Okay, thank you. I'll try this in the meantime. :)

Um, would it be possible to add border lines below the "inactive" tabs, like the red line on the example image?

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #5

I think at the moment the html markup is not good enough to accommodate it...
I have to fix it.

ETA: memo
Bugs creator.
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Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #6

There is a small error when uninstalling this addon ;)
2.   Elimina File   ./themes/default/css/tabbedSmiley.js   Errore durante il parsing della modifica
it should be tabbedSmiley.css and not tabbedSmiley.js
sorry for my bad english

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #7

 emanuele takes note.

Thanks. ;D
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Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #8

How rename tabs?
Where "Tabs names and appearance" box?
I have not created after you drag a new tab

(ElkArte 1.0.3, Tabbed Smiley v0.1.1)
Sorry for my English

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #9

Gonna start messing with this. You have been warned. :D

ETA: Just noticed that any smiley set to "Popup" in admin automatically goes to Tab 1 on the post form, which is cool. However, it does mean that the default "More" button becomes redundant, so ideally that would be hidden if this mod was enabled.
Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 06:39:31 pm by Antechinus
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #10

Quote from: Lars – Okay, thank you. I'll try this in the meantime. :)

Um, would it be possible to add border lines below the "inactive" tabs, like the red line on the example image?
Quote from: emanuele – I think at the moment the html markup is not good enough to accommodate it...
I have to fix it.

ETA: memo
Should be possible with the existing markup. You have a different class on the active tab anyway, so just targeting that should sort things out. I'll play around with it as soon as I have time.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #11

Aha. No can do with existing markup. It doesn't need more HTML elements added to the markup, but it does need a change to the way classes are added to the markup.

The problem is that if any tab other than the base tab is active, the base tab will still have the sceditor-tabs-active class assigned to it. That's definitely a bug, since only the currently selected tab should have that class.

If that bug gets fixed, then styling it up so the active tab was different to the others would be easy.

Taking things further, although this mod is basically a good one it would be better if the admin was able to create tabs, and then assign smileys to a chosen tab. At the moment you can't do this, which can be a PITA sometimes (depending on how daft and extensive your smiley collection is).
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #12

The images in the readme file that show how to create new tabs are dead links.

How do you create new tabs?

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #13

Ops... sorry, that slipped through... :-[

In Elk you can put the smiley in the editor or in a popup. The popup can have lines of smiley.
This addon takes any line of smiley in the popup and converts it to a "tab", so you move the smiley to the popup and then to multiple lines and here you go with as many tabs as you want!
Bugs creator.
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Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #14

 O:-) It's me again...

I have installed this addon right now in my testforum.

Creating more tabs is working perfect, but the button "More" is still there in the editor and the smiley-popup. But both should disappaer, if tabs are there?

The tabs have just numbers? ("Tab 1", "Tab 2", and so on) I can't give them other names?

We need a lot of tabs for our smileys. :-[ 
People would not remind which smiley is in which tab, if the tabs have just numbers...